"Frustrated With Losing Money And Missing Out On Profits
Because Your Emotions Interfere With Your Trading?
Here's How To Get A Handle On Them and Manage Them Effectively
So You Can Stop Hesitating, Chasing Trades and Other Things That Cost You"
You can't just turn your emotions off, because you're a human being, but you CAN learn to understand them and manage them effectively.

From the desk of Brian McAboy
Trading Psychology Coach
Helping traders overcome issues for more than 10 years
Fellow Trader,
Which are the specific emotions that have a negative impact on you when you're trading?
When you stay in a trade too long, is it greed causing you to do it, or fear?
Or are you hanging on in near desperation hoping to make your money back?
When you jump into trades that you know you shouldn't, are you doing it because you're feeling over-confident, only to kick yourself for it later when the trade doesn't work out?
When you hesitate to pull the trigger, is it because of the times in the past that you've been disappointed by the market moving against you when the set up looked so perfect?
Or is it because you're losing confidence in yourself to execute your trade, or you have doubts about your system?
What are the different emotions that flare up and make your trading difficult?
How Much Have Your Emotions Already Cost YOU?
How much have your emotions already cost you just this year in losses and missed profits?
During my first year of trading, between the emotional interference and self-sabotage, they cost me over $32,000, a whole lot of self-esteem and nearly cost me my marriage.
And while I like to blame them on my wife, the gray hairs that I have probably came from that first year of trading.
Letting emotions mess with good trading has a high price.
One of the most common things people say they want most is to be able to stick to their rules, to trade consistently.
A primary contributor to the problem here is emotions causing the deviation from the rules.
You've probably experienced this a time or two yourself, yes?
Where you've hit some losing trades you didn't expect, and how you're almost constantly second-guessing your system?
Emotional Trading Is NOT "Normal"
Because I jumped into trading without the proper preparation (like most traders), trading was an emotional experience from Day 1.
All the resources I found said that this was just a normal part of trading.
They said that I simply had to find a way to trick or force myself to stay disciplined and stick to my rules, in spite of my emotions.
Personally, I found that to be very stressful and difficult.
It also proved to be a temporary solution at best.
Even when I did figure out how to clamp down my emotions, it never lasted for very long.
But trading should NOT be an emotional experience.
NO occupation should be that high stress.
But I knew that even though trading is challenging, it can and should be much less of a roller coaster ride.
I needed to calm down and I wasn't finding the answers inside the trading sphere.
Emotional Intelligence Training Applied to Trading
Needless to say, when I blew up my account and lost all that money, I took a break from trading.
I wasn't done.
Because I've started other businesses before, I'd been through this cycle of "underestimate it because it seems so simple, fail, reassess, reset and start over" before.
So that's what I did here with trading.
I stepped back from trading and called upon the resources and other experiences I've had OUTSIDE of trading.
Along with my Engineering, Business and Quality experience and training, I've also had the good fortune to have been through Emotional Intelligence training.
I've also been an avid student of psychology and personal growth for most of my adult life.
So I took understandings from these various areas and took what made sense from the perspective of a self-directed, individual trader.
Having first-hand experience with the emotional challenges, stresses and self-sabotage that are so common in trading, I was able to identify applicable concepts, insights and strategies to effectively deal with them.
After a successful return to trading, I was able to stay aware of my emotions, and effectively understand and manage them so I could trade comfortably and without interference.
There's Quite A Bit More To It Than Just Discipline
This is about you and helping you understand and effectively manage YOUR emotions.
Not just figuring out a way to win the battle with them through discipline and willpower.
That can be like trying to stomp out a bonfire - not very effective.
We're talking about getting you to the point that your emotions no longer present a problem to be overcome.
We're talking about identifying the reasons why they're messing with you in the first place, and then attending to those causes.
Most Resources Only Provide Partial Help
There Are Four Major Components to The Psychology Of Successful Trading
Most trading psychology books, courses and articles focus only on one, two at best.
Now don't get me wrong.
I've gotten useful nuggets from most of the resources I've read, so I'm not bashing their authors.
It's just that in my experience, while they were interesting, I found that all had gaps or left out critical understandings.
Where this leaves you is still with lingering problems and disappointing trading.
In addition to the inadequate scope, self-sabotage occurs in a variety of ways, not just the few with which everyone is familiar.
You need a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the complex inner workings of your conscious and subconscious minds to successfully keep your emotions from interfering with profitable trading.
The Trader's Guide To Emotional Management

Regardless of what specific issue YOU are dealing with, this guide takes you right to the root of the problem and shows you specifically why you do what you do when things go wrong and result in lost money.
It then gives you appropriate actions to take to prevent or avoid the regrettable mistakes in your trading.
The Trader’s Guide empowers you to:
- Swing the balance of the equation in your favor – and end the “coulda, shoulda woulda’s”
- Give yourself that edge that you’ve been looking for – and see it on your bottom line
- End the regret from ’emotional’ mistakes, and feel much better about yourself and your trading
- Discover how to listen to your emotions, not just get pounded by them – feel some freedom
- Have control over yourself when you need it – and feel your confidence soar
- Stop “un-necessarily” giving money to the markets – no more having to make it back
- Enjoy better discipline – be more comfortable sticking with your system, by having a knowing of why you’ve been deviating
- Feel more confident about pulling the trigger when you see a good set up – get those winners
- Be more comfortable with letting your winners run – and be partying instead of pouting
- Most of all, you’ll be able to settle down and enjoy the good trading that you know you’re capable of.
What's In The Trader's Guide To Emotional Management?
Part 1:
Understanding Why Your Emotions Keep Messing With You
In this first part of the guide, you’ll gain insights as to why your mind is behaving so illogically, especially at the most important times.
You’ll also being to see how to approach the problems differently and begin to detach.
Rather than just getting caught up in the emotions, you will see the root causes, feeling empowered instead of helpless.
Here’s what you’ll find in Part 1:
- Confidence and Fear and How They Affect Your Ability to Stick to Your System
- 3 Huge Considerations Specific to Trading That Everyone Seems to Miss Yet Are Critical to Your Mental State
- The Different Schools of Thought in Psychology And How They Play Into Your Trading
- The Digging-Deep Questionnaire to Diagnose and Shed Light on Issues
- The Good Trading Checklist
Once you’re read through Part 1, you’ll have a whole new perspective on what previously seemed like unsolvable challenges.
Part 2:
Diving Into The Specific Mistakes Traders Make
In this second part of the Guide, we’ll go through over 50 specific mistakes traders make, and look at the particular causes.
Here’s a sneak peek at just some of the many specific issues:
- Exiting a trade before your system directs
- Getting into a trade before the signals indicate
- Getting out before the stop is hit
- Going for that extra pip or point when the system says otherwise.
- Having one’s focus too much on the moment
- Hesitating
- Ignoring support and resistance levels
- Ignoring the technicals while in a trade
- Ignoring your indicators
- Letting the opinion of others cause you to deviate from your system
- Micro-managing a trade once it is placed
- Moving stops when they should be left alone
- Not defining the trade your are placing
- Not paying attention to detail
- Over trading
- And many, many more!
Once you’ve explored and diagnosed YOUR specific issues, you’ll want to see specifically what you can do to resolve the issue for good and prevent relapses.
Part 3:
The Trader's Emotional ToolBox
Now that you’ve identified what needs fixing, it’s time to implement the specific tools to fix the root causes of the problems.
In the Trader’s Emotional Toolkit, you’ll find
- Mental exercises and techniques for de-energizing negative patterns
- Verbal exercises and methods to re-program your mind for success instead of repeated mistakes
- Physical actions (not workouts, don’t worry!) you can take to affect your mental state while trading
Once you’ve gone through Part 3 of the Trader’s Guide To Emotional Management, you’ll begin seeing RESULTS in your trading!
If You Don't Understand What's Really Causing The Problem
How Are You Ever Going To Fix It?
This Trader’s Guide to Emotional Management is a downloadable pdf, which you can get right now, even if it’s 2 a.m. in the morning!
If you are tired of:
- Beating yourself up while you watch the market run, because you got out too early?
- Freezing when you should pull the trigger, then getting in when most of the profits are already gone?
- Wondering if anyone is actually making money trading?
- Kicking yourself for making “stupid” mistakes because of fear or greed?
- Feeling the despair after a string of losses, wondering if you should just give up?
- Knowing what you should do, but failing to stick to your discipline, then regretting it later and wondering what’s wrong?
- Do you want to trade better by keeping your emotions on an even keel, and have a very simple way to comfortably:
- Understand how your emotions are influencing your thoughts, decisions and actions – PLUS what you can DO to affect change
- Get yourself under control in your trading
- Have your emotions HELP you with your trading rather than cause you to lose out
…then when you get this guide, you will have in your hands a very straightforward means to trade with your emotions.
They are part of who you are, so you can either fight them or try to shut them down, OR you can acknowledge them, learn how to work with them and have your emotions be your trusted friend in your trading and have them serve you well.
This guide empowers you on a conscious level to identify, fully understand, and address the subconscious factors that create the emotional conflict in your trading and prevent you from trading at your best.

Glenn Martin, Individual trader, Colorado Springs, CO
Thank you for putting together this great resource!
The TGEM is helping me to identify my personal issues that I am having with my trading and is teaching me how to address these issues.
The TGEM is taking away much of the frustration I've had in trading and is making it fun again!
I especially like the Good Trading Checklist and the Digging-Deep Questionnaire!
I have these printed out and taped near my computer, and I am going through the checklist and questions before and after I make a trade.
These lists are definitely helping me to focus and feel better about a trade rather than worried about it!
Thanks again for this and your efforts for helping me out!"
"I've found The Trader's Guide to Emotional Management extremely practical and down-to-earth.
- Jesse Chan, Individual trader , Kowloon City, Hong Kong
My feeling is that it's like a one to one therapy when I go through and think about the diagnostic questions in relation to the various trading problems.
It's a self-discovery process and it works like it's been tailor-made for any individual reader regardless of their trading background.
Thanks again for your contributions to traders' world!"
So What's The Cost?
Let's take a look at your choices right now.
Choice #1 - Do nothing and keep fighting with your emotions and paying the price through unnecessary losses and missed profits.
Cost: Over time, thousand of dollars and usually a lot of confidence and self-esteem
Choice #2 - You can hire one of these 'trading psychologists' to provide you with therapy for 8 to 12 months
Cost: $5,000-$10,000 (not an exaggeration!) and the better part of a year
Choice #3 - You can go the 'free' route and spend hours and hours sorting through the hundreds of forums and articles on the internet.
Cost: Even if your time is worth a modest $25/hour, it's still going to cost you hundreds if not thousands in time and mistakes from mis-information and taking forever to sort through it all.
Choice #4 - You can get the Trader's Guide To Emotional Management and get your emotions in hand quickly, since all the work has been done for you and it's been proven to work
Cost: A whopping $49

Try It RISK-FREE for 30 Days!
You're backed by our 30-day, 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.
If you don’t realize relief from your emotions and see an improvement in your trading within the next 30 days, I demand you fire me from your trading business and you get your refund.
But I’m confident you’ll stay in, you’ll implement the Guide, and you’ll send us a testimonial telling us how much more you’ve accomplished after finding us and using the Guide.
Normally $79
For A Limited Time, Only $49 USD
If you have ANY questions, feel free to contact me!
You can email me at brian[at]insideouttrading.com or call me at (719)219-0678
I'm here to help you make it, and fighting with your emotions is something that is TOTALLY unnecessary.
Life it too short to put up with such stuff.
Brian McAboy