Dustin's Free Forex Webinar March 11, 2009

My colleague Dustin, who is a very solid Forex trader wrote this up for me for you about his webinar coming up on Wednesday March 11.  I knew that he could communicate what it”s all about better than me, so here”s what Dustin wrote up for you.

See you there!




Hello Fellow Trader,

In January a number of institutional traders threatened a fellow traders service, they leaned on their high-level contacts to cut off their data feed and threatened them and their marketing partners commercially and even physically – with verbal threats of violence.

Why are institutional level professional traders so threatened by this system?

Without a doubt, the number one reason is RESULTS…

His system of trading Forex is producing tremendous results… for himself, as well as all that dare to follow him.

They fail to realize that competition is LEGAL, and part of the American way — free enterprise, capitalism…

They want all the spoils for themselves, and when they feel like somebody is treading on “their turf”… like spoilt children they go running to others to get us “banned from the playground”.

Join me and Dustin Pass on Wednesday March 11 at 8:00 pm eastern as he shares his system and find out just what all the fuss is about.


Here are some comments from some of the traders that use the very system that the big dogs dont want you to know about…

“I traded the UK Retail Sales this morning on two different brokers simultaneously with the following results: 24 pips / 27 pips. –Victor H., Sugar Land, TX

“But it”s not only RSS that”s helped my trading. It”s Dustin”s way of trading…which includes his attention to historical detail. It”s not like this guy is just throwing lots at a release without a thought. He meticulously plans each trade. –Woody H., Discovery Bay, CA

“Your service is the absolute best I have found. During the 2-week trial period, I was able to experience several good trades… Thanks for making the trading experience a lot less stressful and easier…” –Robert H., Ferndale, WA

If you have not registered yet… Secure your Seat today.


Take it from the experts, the Forex Live-on-the-News Service IS something to pay attention to… it is ruffling the feathers of those in high places with major money… and they don”t want you to know about it or have the chance to profit from it…

Join us Wednesdays March, 11 at 8:00 pm, and discover how a professional trader and Forex funds manager trades Forex just as critical news releases hits the wires…

…often causing the Forex markets to move 50 to 280 pips in seconds – generating the potential for massive profits in little or know time.

Would you like to…

  • Make more money with a lower risk of loss, in a far less stressful manner, and in a fraction of the time you probably devote to trading now…
  • Get in on one of the most success moneymaking strategies of the big institutions…
  • Avoid years of trial and error and financial heartache and trade like a professional Forex trader today, versus the other 99% of traders that fail and lose big time…
  • Be in and out of your trades in minutes versus hours or even days…

Find out what all the fuss is about… and start making money…


And good Luck trading!!!

“My first successful trade using Auto-click. It was so fast I didn”t even know I was in until I looked at my account within 2 seconds of the lights going off. Official Time and Auto-Click were at 4:30:00/01

“I used the Medium risk triggers but it was not necessary for this trade since it hit the original Safe Triggers.

“*** put me in 8857 and I closed at 8887 for 30 pips and was executed at 4:30:01. I traded 1 Standard Lot. Not bad. Almost enough to pay the subscription within seconds…” –Jack M., Marion, IN

“WOW, stunning… First RSS trade with CAD this morning worked great for me. Your auto click software is still a mile ahead of anything else out there.” –Jason, T., Wyoming, MI

Register today!!!!


“The autoclick worked perfectly on MT4 with IBFX. I was instantly up 40 pips. It was a highly profitable trade… I just looked and discovered that it took me in at 1.1337 which was the highest point on the 1 minute candle at 7 AM!!

It was not possible to get a better quote than that!” –Barry B., Meachanicsville, VA

“RSS is the missing link. My average speed is between 15 – 23ms.

“RSS is an incredible tool, which I believe will solve the problems that we encounter when trading the news (poor execution from brokers. Since we are ahead of the spike).” –Anthony W., Raleigh, NC

“My first trade using RSS I had paid for the monthly subscription. We”re talking within seconds. I estimate that with RSS, I could solely trade news as my primary source of trading income – a statement I never thought a sworn Trend Trader would ever make.

“Thursday did 25 demo pips on Consumer sentiment. This really works at the speed of the light.” –Franc B., Skofja Loka, Slovenia

“Once I had your service, I got in with their calls, but was able to listen to your advice and look to your charts for the levels that made sense to get out.

“Now, your service is at least as fast, possibly faster than their service, which takes away the only advantage they had.” –J J., Tokyo, Japan

“Only 47 milliseconds to London, United Kingdom.” –Guy B., London, UK

“I live in Marion, IN… I have this system loaded on 3 computers at 3 different locations in my city (North, South and East) and the speed test is anywhere between 23 and 31ms. Awesome!” –Jack M., Marion, IN

“Excellent concept, as it not only provides the direction of the price movement, but also a risk grade (medium or safe trade). RSS transmitted to New Zealand in 130 milliseconds.” –Geoff, Auckland, New Zealand

Join us Wednesday March 11 at 8:00 pm to find out how this is all possible…
