Day Trading Forex Currency – Calendar Trading Patterns Free Webinar

Brian here and since you are into Forex, I”m sure that you”ll fully appreciate this.

It is specifically about the currency markets, and at the end of this message you”ll find out how you can put this notion to work for your gain in your trading.

Here”s the story…

The currency markets can seem almost neurotic at times, can”t they?

Regardless of what is on the news or what would otherwise make sense, it seems like the markets can be in a whole different “mood” than it seems they should, huh?

Well, there is a reason for this and a good friend and colleague of mine, John Forman, did a rather intensive study a while back to answer a very fundamental question:

“Are there recurring patterns to the Forex markets as the calendar weeks go by?”

What he found was really astounding in one regard and just plain good sense in another.

It only makes sense that not all weeks are “created equal” so to speak.

You wouldn”t expect the week of Christmas to be the same as say, mid-March or the first week of August.

The markets are made of people and so for there to be some moods that go with particular weeks and certain times of the year is only logical.

The challenge is in having an idea of what “mood” to expect on any given week, so that you can adjust your trading plan accordingly.

Well, I asked John to share some of the insights from his research with you, since you are a client of mine, and he agreed, so this Wednesday, you can join us for a live webinar – at no cost to you.

Opportunities in Forex Calendar Trading Patterns
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
9:00 PM – 10:00 PM EDT
Join us for a Webinar on June 17
John Forman has been teaching and coaching traders for a number of years, along with creating several very highly-acclaimed trading resources.

One project that he initiated a couple years ago was exploring the possibility of repeating seasonal patterns in the currency markets.

On this webinar, you’ll discover:

* The history of John’s work in this pursuit
* His discoveries along the way
* Several of his findings that can give you a serious competitive edge in trading Forex

System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®) or newer

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:



P.S.  You”ll find that the information that John has worked so hard and so long to assemble can be tremendously helpful to you in protecting yourself from both stress and losses, plus show you when the markets are most likely to favor you!

Register now – no cost to attend!