Your First Step Toward Independence Through Trading (The Beginning of Your Story)

Brian McAboy here and this week is all about getting you YOUR independence through trading.

Your story

Now stepping back just a little from your trading, it is apparent that at the very beginning of your trading pursuit, you were a venture capitalist.

You wanted to put you money to work for you, making a respectable return.

Certainly not the paltry 5-7% a year financial advisors tell you is good.

No, you wanted to invest in a business and you chose trading.

Good call.

Your opportunity

Now it was at this crucial beginning point that you had the opportunity (and it still exists) to give yourself a tremendous advantage.

You see, Venture Capitalists who invest in businesses for a living see tons of good money-making ideas.

But they also know from experience (translation mistakes) that putting money into an idea without a plan is the riskiest thing they can do.

The single biggest deciding factor when considering investing is having a solid plan that lets them see how that return will be produced and when.

Their decision tree looks like this:

  • solid plan = will get considered
  • weak plan = sorry, but no
  • no plan = don’t even bother asking

Again, business investing is an industry that’s been around a LONG time.

And the results show, only those ideas with a solid plan have any realistic chance of coming to fruition and thus are worth investing in – because even the good ideas with a plan don’t always make it.

Decades of experience has proven: the ideas with NO plan ALMOST ALWAYS FAIL.

Having a plan is THAT IMPORTANT.

There’s a reason

“But why?” many traders ask.

They are mistakenly thinking that all they need to do is start making money, and then somehow they have arrived and there’s nothing really to be done beyond that.

That once they start making money that it will simply continue and grow all by itself forever.

But see there is a huge difference between making money one month, and making a profit reliably and foreseeably into the future.

  • It takes time to establish the reliable and predictable revenue generation.
  • It takes time to trim out all the waste that eats up the profits.
  • It takes time to get thing running reliably and efficiently.

And without a plan, you are likely to run out of capital before you get these things established.

Flying by the seat of your pants without a plan takes too long to filter out all the stuff that doesn’t work.

You can’t go by guesswork or trial and error.

That path is so expensive and takes so long that it usually kills the business.

Again, having a solid plan is the only realistic chance your venture has.

Whether you are just starting out or even if you have been trading for years, if you don’t have a business plan, it should be your highest priority.

Creating a business plan is one single action you can take to have the greatest and longest lasting impact and in the shortest amount of time.

It is amazing the difference it makes when you have a real, working business plan for your trading that includes both an action plan and a financial plan based on real-world numbers.

How would you feel about your trading to have a realistic look ahead for the next 12-months, knowing what you were to do and what to expect for your revenues?

How would it feel to go beyond hope,and have a clear and realistic plan?

Having a plan makes a world of difference.

The next problem

Without a simple, straightforward process to create your business plan, it can be a daunting and very stressful task.

I even know accountants that have been in business for years, and even create business plans for their clients, that have struggled with creating their own business plans.

Of course, if you’ve ever looked at a business plan template, it’s easy to see why it makes your head hurt.

They are so generic and made for ‘goods and services’ type businesses – not trading, which is a very different beast.

It gets overwhelming very quickly because they give you a structure and tell you what information should be in each section,

…but they don’t show you how to generate that information.

Just because they tell you the questions doesn’t mean that the answers come automatically.

But it doesn’t have to be difficult.

You just need a step-by-step process.

Better yet would be one designed specifically for traders.

Having been a business consultant for over 20 years and in trading for over 10, I’ve been able to do just that.

I created a simple, straightforward and relatively painless process to create a business plan – for your trading.

So that you can finally have some peace of mind and security in your trading, and enjoy some well-founded optimism – instead of the stress and anxiety.

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This is arguably the most impactful trading tool you can ever get.

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