Trading For A Living – Which of These 7 Types of Independence Do You Seek?

Happy Independence Day!

Brian McAboy here and this is all about getting you YOUR independence through trading.

But what were your specific freedoms that caused you to choose trading over your other options?

  • Was it the freedom to set your own hours?
  • Was it the freedom to work from anywhere, even as you travel the world?
  • Was it the independence of having control over your own revenues, not decided by someone else?
  • Was it the freedom to have a business that didn’t depend on any employees, only yourself?
  • Was it the freedom to scale up your business as fast as you want without the limitations and constraints of other types of businesses?
  • Was it the freedom to enter a business that didn’t require a degree, certifications or years of experience?
  • Was it just plain control over your own life?

For me, it was all of the above!

Why trading can be wonderful

The list of things that make trading a GREAT occupation is long.

One of my favorite characteristics about trading is that you can (if you bother) go into it with very little ambiguity.

You can KNOW before you ever risk a dollar, how well you can expect to do, how much you can realistically expect to make.

Trading is the ONLY business I know of where you can have that level of knowing – because you can test your business model with real world information before risking anything.

Every other business is based on speculation, not real world.  You can get close with a franchise, but trading still beats it out.

And it can be fairly simple too

At the core of your business is your trading system.

And with 3 simple steps, you can gain the KNOWING that your system is solid, so that sticking to it is the easy and natural thing to do while trading.

  1. Make sure your system is properly constructed and documented.
  2. Confirm its performance limitations and potentials through proper testing, measurement and analysis.
  3. Adapt and optimize as needed in an organized and calculated manner.

Do this and the whole matter becomes rather elementary.

Notice that I didn’t say “Find a good system”

You see, that is where many traders run their ship up on the rocks.

They don’t have a process

They don’t know HOW to do all three of the necessary steps above to make sure they have the odds really in their favor.

This puts them in a very dependent situation

  • They are forced to trust the person from whom they got their system
  • They are forced to go on the claims
  • They are forced to trade on hope
  • Then wonder why they fight doubt, anxiety and the almost constant temptation to play with their rule.
  • They wind up having to lose money (the hard and painful way) to find out if a system measures up.

In other words, they don’t enjoy much of the freedom they want.

But you don’t have to follow THAT path.

You can have the control and independence you desire.

Apply the 3-step process outlined above.

When you do, you’ll find that you have the confidence and peace of mind that you want in your trading.

Again, it is a simple and very business-like process.

Discover the process and your independence by clicking here



P.S.  Having a step-by-step process makes it so much easier that trying to trade without.

PLUS!  save 50% when you get this during this Independence Day holiday week

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Give yourself the advantage you want

Discover the process and your independence by clicking here

This is backed by my 60-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you really do have everything to gain and are not at risk.  Whether you’re new to trading or you’ve been around a while, now is the time to give yourself this HUGE advantage.

Discover the process and your independence by clicking here

Remember use the coupon code   INDEPENDENCE  and your 50% savings will be instantly applied!