Trading Psychology – 22 Days Into 2010 and What?

Forgive me for being so blunt with what I”m about to say…

Are you ready?

It”s now 22 days into 2010…

I”m ready to kick it off with a huge BANG

and I”m feeling a little bit



Because I see so many people sitting around complaining about everything.

“The economy sucks!”

“I lost my job!”

Blah blah blah…

Now as for the complaining, I won”t even get started on that one.  That”s for another time.

What I”m here to talk about today is the other half of that sentence:

“I see so many people sitting around complaining about everything.”

I mean, complaining is one thing, but complaining while sitting around on their butt?!

Here”s a clue for them: “Hey how about *doing* something about it?”

I”m sure you know what I”m talking about, otherwise you wouldn”t be on my list and you wouldn”t have read this far.

Heck, some people don”t even have the energy to read a single short email that I send to them, even when they know it might change their life.

Now here”s the real point of what I want to get at today:

We are already 22 days into the new year!

Have you done something amazing to kick off the new year and change the course of your life yet?

If you haven”t, then I suggest you DO something TODAY.

Action is what sets change in motion, not complaining.

Even moreso than that is ACTION IN THE MOMENT.

You are reading this email for a reason, and if you”re reading these words right now, it means that they speak to a certain part of you that recognizes the truth here.

You can choose to carry on with your life and your trading as they are, or you can choose to start the momentum in a different direction.

Hear this:  it”s those that take action in the moment that rule the world.  If you think about it, the wisdom is obvious.

The grand irony is that once you get in the habit of taking action in the moment, you start an avalanche of success that is nearly unstoppable.

It all starts with that first teeny action:

TODAY, take that first step to put your trading obstacles behind you.



P.S.  Your actions either reinforce or nullify your beliefs.

Actions are affirmations in motion, so take action right now to affirm consistent success in your trading.