What Went Wrong Then and How It Affects You Now

Do you ever wonder what went wrong at the beginning of your trading career that is making things so bloomin” difficult now?

I expect you do.  I hear it quite regularly from new clients.

Because you see, if you have been trading for a while and are having a tough time making headway toward your goals, it is important for you to realize that your early days as a trader very likely still impact your present day trading.

It was what happened in the beginning, because those events and experiences shaped you.

They strongly affected how you feel and how you respond to many things in your trading.

The perspectives, attitudes and associations that were established then are still with you today, even if only on a subconscious level.

That”s why it is SO important to become aware of what was really going on, so that you can become consciously aware of how what happened then may be affecting you today – so that you can take conscious action to move beyond those obstacles.

Because it is important to you, I am giving you an extra incentive for 4 days to discover what was happening back then by holding a “What Went Wrong Sale”.

I”m giving you a 33% discount off “The Subtle Trap of Trading” – but only for the next 4 days.  Yes, this is to prompt you into positive action so that you will realize benefit.

Simply use the coupon code   MAY32010

This “What Went Wrong Sale” lasts only through Monday May 3, 2010, so act now and save some bucks!

Discover what went wrong at the beginning of your trading career that is making things so tough now.  Raise your awareness and then make progress!

Enjoy the book and have a great weekend!


“The Trading Turnaround Coach”

P.S.  The Subtle Trap is a intentionally a fairly short read – not some 700 page book that will make your brain hurt.  It is concise and straightforward, so that you can get through it and realize the benefit!  On top of that, we”re only talking about what it would cost you for a decent lunch with a friend.

Discover what went wrong right now!