Trading Psychology – "Why Do I Hesitate and How Do I Stop?"

“Why do I hesitate, and how can I stop?”

That’s the question I hear from traders all the time, and there’s usually plenty of frustration in their voices when asking it.

Which is very understandable.

Hesitation is one of the most aggravating problems to have as a trader because it’s right in your face, yet you can’t seem to make it stop or go away.

It just keeps happening and what’s even worse is feeling helpless to do anything about it.

But it can be overcome because I’ve found that it usually is a practical matter more than a ‘psychological’ one…

– which means that you CAN beat it and in fairly short order, once you understand the true nature of the problem and the straightforward solution.

Here’s the story of how one trader overcomame hesitation – and what a difference it made in his trading.

“Hi Brian,

I just wanted to drop you a few lines to say thanks.  I have been trading for just over a year and had really been struggling with hesitancy and fear with taking trades. I was in a pattern of having a few winning trades then I would see a couple of losing trades I would then hesitate to take the next trade which then turned out to be a high profit trade, I would then get frustrated and take the next set up that presented it self which was rarely a good set up and then this would be a losing trade and so the circle of hesitation and frustration would start until I had given away all my profits and more.  I would then take a break from trading and the pattern would begin again.

I had read all the trading books on the mental aspects of trading and whilst they are good books they have not helped me over this problem.

But since we had our One-on-One Coaching, I can honestly say that I have made huge leaps forward. I have seen a dramatic and measured improvement and feel much more confident, relaxed and able to pull the trigger when I need to than before. You have given me the tools that have enable to keep these emotions under control and enable to me to be consistent in my trading. Your coaching has allowed me to accept the losses as part of my trading business and to keep my trading moving in the right direction.

Before the coaching I felt that I could see the light at the end of the tunnel but just could not get there, I now feel that I am actually in the light and moving forward.

Again my sincere thanks in helping me overcome this obstacle, and I would without doubt recommend you to any trader who suffers with similar problems.

Take care

Adrian F.”
(last name withheld here, but contact info available if you’d like to talk to him directly)
Individual Trader
Portsmouth, UK

Click here to put an end to YOUR hesitation

Have a great weekend!

