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Trading For A Living: A Trader’s Biggest Decision

success-failure-signThe other day I told you that I’m releasing a brand new report, plus hosting a brand new webinar.

What I didn’t tell you is that they both center around your biggest decision as a trader.

…the one, single underlying determinant of everything you do, your success or failure, and how long it will take you to ‘arrive’.

Saturday is when I’m releasing the report and I’m just putting the finishing touches on it.

If you would, I’d love your thoughts on a couple related matters, so if you could simply send me an email and answer these few questions, I’d really appreciate it.

1.  How compelling on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being totally boring and 5 being very compelling, do you find these titles?

“A Trader’s Biggest Decision”

“The Trader’s Crossroads”

“The Trader’s Fork In the Road”

“Choosing Your Fate As A Trader”

“How to Choose Your Fate As A Trader”

2.  Would you be game for giving me your feedback and possibly a review to include in the report after reading it?

3.  What do YOU see as your biggest obstacle(s) in trading?  What have you just not been able to resolve, no matter what you try?  What have you tried?

I’ll be sending you the download link for the report on Saturday morning.

I’ll also send you registration information for the webinars I’ll be hosting next week.  I’m doing one on Tuesday, one on Thursday, and possibly one on Saturday.

During the webinar, I guarantee you’ll gain some insights and actionable items to have a significant impact on your trading, both now and for the long term, so make sure to register and attend.

For right now, send me your answers to the questions above.  Thanks for your input.



P.S.  One more quick question:  Would you be interested in a free 20-minute phone/Skype consultation with me?  No pitches, just talking about your challenges and what you can do about them…  Let me know!