You are currently viewing 025 – Fun Discussion w Gregg Killpack on Financial & Political Chicanery

025 – Fun Discussion w Gregg Killpack on Financial & Political Chicanery

Consistent Profits Podcast
Consistent Profits Podcast
025 – Fun Discussion w Gregg Killpack on Financial & Political Chicanery

Gregg Killpack has been studying the stock market since 1988. He is a stock trader with 20+ years of experience with short-term swing trading and long-term position trading. By using advanced market-timing indicators, he made a 75% profit as a portfolio manager in 2022. His current goal is to start a hedge fund. He obtained the Series 7 securities license in 2001 and worked as a Trader at Fidelity Investments, Broadway Trading, and Zone Trading Partners (now Kershner Trading). He began training and coaching traders in 2005 for Teach Me To Trade and was Director of Trader Training at Trader2b. He has been a guest speaker on the squawk box at TopStep Trader. He has over 1 million views on his YouTube channel. He is author of the book, “Advanced Stock Market Investing: How to Safely Triple Your Money (or More!) Every Decade”. He lives in Largo, Florida (Tampa) with his wife and son.

Show Notes

  • We will be digging into market manipulation and conspiracy theories
  • The reason why the US government has not fixed the laws and policies that allowed for the 2008 mortgage crisis to happen
  • Hyperinflation and the dilution of the value of the dollar
  • The two banking camps that rose from power in the industrial revolution
  • How the people behind the Federal Reserve are trying to gain control over the US government and the world
  • The many different ways that banks can manipulate financial deals to their advantage to control financial input
  • Gregg discussed the crimes of Alan Dulles are greater than Adolf Hitler
  • How the changes in law and policy help create the financial crisis
  • How the CIA is working with the Mafia in financial institutions
  • The federal reserve act as a huge conspiracy that got successfully pulled off
  • We talk about a couple of the recent time conspiracies such as military industrial complex and the pandemic virus
  • The huge monstrous scam pharmaceutical companies made in covid vaccines

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Resources mentioned in the podcast

The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin.  This book gives an excellent understanding of how the Federal Reserve is simply a banking cartel legally steals seemingly endless amounts of money from the U.S. Treasury through inflation, acting against the interests of the American people.

The Devil’s Chessboard, by David Talbot, discusses the enormous crimes of Allen Dulles, committed before, during, and after becoming Director of the CIA in the 1950’s.  Dulles used the CIA to influence and overthrow foreign governments of enemies and allies to help the corporate clients from his law firm to steal the wealth of nations around the world and gain power in the U.S. government.  Dulles continued to take part in the intelligence community, hold meetings and run operations even after being fired from the CIA.  The crimes of Allen Dulles are greater than Adolf Hitler.  

One Nation Under Blackmail, (Parts I & II), by Whitney Webb.  Extremely well-researched book discussing the development and history of secret combinations in the United States government.  Watch the many informative videos of Whitney Webb on YouTube.

None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Gary Allen.  Published in 1971, discusses the long-developed plot to take over the U.S. government, steal immense wealth, and dominate the world by the Rockefellers, Morgans, and other super-rich families of the world.  How they control the government through the Council on Foreign Relations and have close ties to the CIA.  

The Two Trillion Dollar Meltdown, by Charles Gibbons – discusses the 2008 financial crisis, and how politicians repealed laws that had been working for decades and replaced them with laws that allowed the crisis to happen.

Dark Victory, by Dan Moldea – discusses Ronald Reagan’s ties with MCA Corp., which was known to have ties to organized crime.  MCA was repeatedly investigated by the U.S. government for its monopoly advantage in Hollywood that Reagan helped create.  The book discusses MCA’s close relationship with Reagan, and how MCA financed Reagan’s political campaigns – organized crime’s indirect access to the White House.  It also discusses how actor James Garner, was attacked (likely by someone hired by MCA) when Garner sued them for failure to pay wages according to his contract.

Inside Job: The Looting of America’s Savings and Loans, by Stephen Pizzo, Mary Fricker, 

& Paul Muolo – Shows how politicians and S&L owners acted as a secret combination to steal billions from Savings and Loans in the 1980’s, which was eventually bailed out by the U.S. government (taxpayers).  It also reveals how organized crime was involved.  Whitney Webb in her books and YouTube videos discusses how organized crime and the CIA were involved.

Inside Job (documentary – free on YouTube)

Inside Job is a documentary film, directed by Charles Ferguson, about the 2008 financial crisis.  Charles Ferguson said the film is about “the systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry and the consequences of that systemic corruption.”  The film shows how changes in the law and policy helped create the financial crisis.

The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One, by William Black – Caught up in the middle of investigating the S&L crisis of the 1980’s as a bank regulator, William Black records the battle between those in government who wanted deregulation so they could steal from the U.S. Treasury, and politicians – on both sides of the aisle – who wanted good public policy.  The book includes his own personal experiences.