About Brian McAboy

Brian McAboy started trading back in the 1990's and has been helping traders become successful traders since January 2006.  He is a retired Project Engineer, Process Engineer and Quality Engineer.

During Brian’s first year of trading, he made the common mistake of underestimating what it takes to be a trader and didn’t pay the markets or this occupation the proper respect. As a result, he paid a hefty price of over $45,000, loads of personal capital and nearly lost his marriage over it.

Fortunately, Brian had the Quality Assurance experience working in manufacturing. When he applied the Quality Assurance methodology to his trading, he found that it works amazingly well, just like it has in the business world for decades to get struggling operations under control and predictably profitable.

He then also applied his business acumen to further build that solid foundation that nearly all traders don’t get to really give him a solid base and peace of mind. Brian teaches these same success practices and methods to traders so that they can fill the gap in their training as well and enjoy relaxed, profitable trading too.

Brian’s years of experience Quality Assurance and Business Consulting allow him to provide unique, effective and refreshing resources to the traders of the world. His focus is helping traders achieve self-sufficiency through the application of Quality and Business principles and practices that result in proficiency and success.

Comments from Trading Professionals

“Brian McAboy brings a refreshing new perspective to trader development.
His background in process engineering really lets him approach things in a completely different way than most trading educators. As a result, you won’t get the same old tired material from him.

He will allow you to see your trading from a whole new angle, one which can definitely help you be a better trader.”

John Forman John Forman
Professional Trader and Market Analyst, Trading Coach and Author

"I've been trading for a long time, and it's rare to find someone as professional as Brian. He has the experience and ability to meet his students where they are on the learning curve and take them to a new and more profitable level of trading. I highly recommend working with him, if you have the opportunity."

Brad Wachter Brad Wachter
Trading Educator and founder of Gray Hair Trader

"There simply isn't enough attention to the psychology of trading and the correct approach that needs to be adopted.

Brian McAboy has done an excellent job in walking through the must-know steps in order to become a successful trader.

Mark McRae Mark McRae
Professional Trader and Mentor

Brian McAboy is passionate and ethical. His professionalism, expertise and experience in the business and trading industry, is a combination which supports and provides great success for traders and business leaders.

Brian is unique in his approach, and an inspiration to the trading world.

It has been a pleasure working with him on various trading projects.

Louise Nonweiler Louise Nonweiler
Trading Psychology Expert & Award-winning Hypnotherapist

"I have known Brian for several years now and I can honestly say that he is one of the 'good ones' in the trading education industry. Brian sincerely cares about the people he works with and provides valuable and actionable insights that will help improve your trading.

I particularly like Brian's focus on quality and consistency in the trading process as this is a major driver of long-term success.

If you work with Brian I have no doubt he will help you improve your trading results as well as your piece of mind."

Adrian Reid Adrian Reid
Professional Trader and Founder of Enlightened Stock Trading

Comments from Clients

"Hey Brian,

I have to say, it is SO NICE being able to watch the charts patiently waiting for my set up without feeling like I have to get in on every move I see. That's what was killing me before, getting that urge to get in on every move and then losing money because I was just chasing trades.

The peace of mind and relaxed trading are definitely a refreshing change!

Thanks for your help!"

- Sam Zell, Individual Trader, Philadelphia, PA


I just wanted to drop you a quick note to sincerely thank you for all your help and assistance with my trading.

Even though I have been trading for 11 years I was struggling with inconsistent returns, reoccurring mistakes and lack of true direction. But all that changed quickly after getting your assistance and putting to work some of your tools and recommendations.

I am more confident in my trades and no longer worry about the unknowns because my trading is structured like a business.

Thanks again for your help and support.”

- Patrick Hennessey, Individual Trader, Rockfield, KY

“I have been trading in the markets for the last 7 years. In that time I have traded stocks, penny stocks, sub-penny stocks, options and futures. I have traded many different timelines with many different indicators.

Also during this time I have subscribed to multiple online trading courses as well as having travelled to 3 different multi day trading workshops around the U.S. Each course and workshop had its own valuable take away points but I feel that no single course or workshop had enough content to make a successful trader.

The most recent course I have completed was with “Inside Out Trading”. The owner “Brian McAboy” is a true Outlier.

His teaching methods are very far removed from the typical training available. He has a keen sense on how to bring out the best in people. I had no idea how to consolidate all my knowledge into a workable trading package. His teaching methods were able to tie all of my experiences into a structured, proven, successful business. Brian’s approach is more about structure, discipline and truly treating your trading as a business as opposed to selling more ideas on how to get rich quick. (Which doesn’t work)”

- Bill Christensen, Individual Trader, British Columbia, Canada

"Hi Brian,

It seems like I get emails every week promising "the big secrets" to making money in trading, usually something along the lines of some magic-pill trading system that will have me swimming in cash. I usually just delete them because I've found that the "secret" isn't in the system, it's in me the trader.

In your training, the lessons and exercises focus on what truly matters - me the trader - the one thing that really does make the difference between winners and losers in trading.

The perspectives you share and the exercises take a whole different approach to what it means to be a trader, and it makes so much sense. I'm blown away that you seem to be the only one that has realized this simple solution to the problems that most everyone is experiencing in trading.

Thank you Brian & keep up the good work!"

- Todd LiPira, Individual Trader, New Egypt, NJ