How To Trade With Confidence, Poise And Peace Of Mind
And Comfortably & Consistently Stick To Your System And Rules
- In Just 4 Weeks -
By Addressing The Psychological Issues That Cause You To Hand Your Profits Back,
So You Make More Money and Keep More Of It

When You Fix The "Holes" In Your Trading Bucket, You Wind Up Making MORE Money!

How many times a week do you do something that is NOT according to your system?  

You know, like get into a trade just for the sake of making the money back on that last trade that didn't work out?

Or getting out early because you're afraid of the market turning, even though the market still isn't yet to your target?

Or a whole bunch of other things that are more of an emotional reaction than wise decisions?

How often do you do it?




Several times daily?

If you had to guess, what would you say it costs you on average every time you deviate from your rules?

So over the course of a week, how much do you figure you're giving back to the markets?

How about a month?

$1,000?  $2,000?  $5,000?

You put in a lot of effort with your trading, a lot of time, energy and personal capital

...and you certainly don't want the profits you DO make to just be handed right back to the markets unnecessarily, right?

It's NOT The Markets.  It's Us.

While it's easy to blame the markets, most of the time it isn't the markets that are the problem

It's us, when we get in our own way

  • we chase trades we shouldn't
  • we fudge the rules
  • we "Keep and eye on it"
  • we hesitate getting in
  • we hesitate getting out
  • we get out too early
  • the list goes on

It seems that most of the time, we are our own worst enemy

Fixing This Has A HUGE Payoff

The cool thing is, with every 'mistake' we DON'T make, that's a winner

...and there is a financial reward that goes with it - YAY!

The less you lose, the more you keep

...and as your execution improves, your average winner tends to get larger too!

Take just a moment and take guess at how much MORE you'd make on any given week if your execution was as it should be

How about at the end of the MONTH?

Would you have an extra $1,000?  $2,000?  $5,000?

It's amazing what a financial difference it makes when you finally stop giving money back to the markets unnecessarily

Then you get the bonus of the difference in how you feel about yourself too

That's why there's so much emphasis put on 'trading psychology' - there's too much money riding on it to ignore!

I've worked with traders since 2006 specifically on this matter, and I'd like to help you too

Now I'm not going to insult your intelligence and try to hand you some clever sounding 'trick' and in 5 minutes everything will magically be working perfectly

This isn't something that gets fully resolved in an email

It takes a little time to uncover the issues and then a little time to resolve them

The Big 3

What I've discovered over the last 16 years of helping traders overcome their psychological challenges is that it boils down to 3 main areas:

1.  Beliefs

Beliefs are the foundation of your world and filter of all your input.  

Limiting or counterproductive false beliefs will only work against you and cause you grief.  

We'll uncover any beliefs that are interfering with your trading and install new, supportive beliefs

2.  Money & Fear

These are two HUGE topics that are closely related

We'll go through a specific exercise to identify different aspects of money and your relationship to it and how to make it healthy

We'll also take a look at your fears, if you have any, regarding money that you may not have previously been aware of

3.  Your on-going conditioning and reconditioning

All day long and in any given moment, you are being mentally conditioned in either a constructive or a counter-productive manner

We'll look at different activities, perspectives and methods that are part of this so you can be aware of what's going on every day to be aware of what's hurting your trading and what helps it 

You, Making More Money and Keeping It - In Just 4 Weeks

That's why I made the "Get Your Mind Right For Profitable Trading" course spread out over 4 weeks

So you have time to uncover the issues and put them behind you - permanently

Issues related to your trading experiences
Issues related to your self-image and identity (as a person and as a trader)
Non-trading related issues

By the end of the 4 weeks, you'll find that you are having an entirely NEW and much more enjoyable trading experience

You feel relieved, renewed and most importantly relaxed and confident in your trading and your ability to keep your profits without fighting your emotions or temptations
As you go through each day, you'll find that stress is a distant memory as you comfortably place your trades according to your rule as you see the market moves, feeling completely at peace with just sticking to your system
At the end of each day, you'll feel good about yourself and your execution
You'll see your account going steadily up, without the drops in the balance that used to be there (the ones that shouldn't have!)

As we get ready to head into Q4, there's no better time than now to attend to this critical matter and close out the year strong we can also start next year on the right foot right out of the gate

Here's What You're Getting

Over 4 weeks, you get weekly video lessons and exercises designed specifically to address and eliminate psychological issues 
Full Lifetime access to everything to eliminate and/or diffuse the issues that exists just below your conscious awareness, yet cause you to do things in your trading that you later regret
An initial assessment to help you more easily see what's been causing you to do some of the things you've been doing that have frustrated you
Worksheets that walk you through the thought processes and explorations
Specific actions you can take to resolve the issues and put them behind you PERMANENTLY
Email support from Brian so you're not left to figure everything out all by yourself
BONUS!  The Trader's Guide to Emotional Management - the daily pocket guide that covers over 50 specific mistakes traders make and what to do about them

Money Back Guarantee

So What Are The Costs?

Let's take a look at your choices right now.

Choice #1 - Do nothing and keep fighting with your emotions and paying the price through unnecessary losses and missed profits.

Cost:  Over time, thousand of dollars and usually a lot of confidence and self-esteem

Choice #2 - You can hire one of these 'trading psychologists' to provide you with therapy for 8 to 12 months

Cost:  $5,000-$10,000 (not an exaggeration!) and the better part of a year

Choice #3 - You can go the 'free' route and spend hours and hours sorting through the hundreds of forums and articles on the internet.

Cost:  Even if your time is worth a modest $25/hour, it's still going to cost you hundreds if not thousands in time and mistakes from mis-information and taking forever to sort through it all.

Choice #4 - You can get the Get Your Mind Right For Profitable Trading and get your emotions in hand quickly, and start making more money and keeping it

Sign up now and start making more and KEEPING more!

Regular Price = $499, Get It Now For Just $299!  Save $200

Stop handing your profits back to the markets!

Complete the checkout below to finalise your order.

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From Trading Professionals...

"Too many traders think that the system or method is the be all and end all of trading.

There simply isn't enough attention to the psychology of trading and the correct approach that needs to be adopted.

Brian McAboy has done an excellent job in walking through the must-know steps in order to become a successful trader."

Mark McRae

Professional Trader and Trading Coach

“Brian pulls no punches in getting down to the psychology of trading and how it affects us all.”

James Maggio

Trader Risk Management

"Trading psychology is the most important part of trading that one needs to get control of in order to be become a consistently profitable trader.

Brian McAboy is a leader in this field and can help anyone take their trading to new heights."

Daniel Hollo

Trading coach, trading software developer and owner of

About Your Host

Brian McAboy

Trading Coach

For over 16 years, Brian has been helping traders fix their trading and get it working using unconventional methods, like providing you the training you wish you'd have gotten when you first started out!!

If you run into any issues with the checkout process, give me a call at 719-299-0678

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