How I Completely Turned My Trading Around
And How You Can Too

If you've been struggling, then understand that it's NOT your fault.

There are things nobody ever told you and that's what has created the situation you're in.

As you've probably come to realize, with trading, it is NOT as easy as it looks.

If you've been struggling with your trading, especially making money and then keeping it when you do, then you know what I'm talking about.

Not.  That.  Easy.

At least, if you go the common path that most traders do.

If you have and you've been stuck for a while now, fighting with your emotions and regularly handing back your profits to the markets, and your confidence kind of circling the drain, then don't feel bad.

You're not alone and it's not your fault.

You Need A Holistic Solution

When you find yourself doing things you know you shouldn't and it seems tough to do the things you should, it's rarely going to be a single thing needed to fix it

That's because there are numerous factors at play in your trading that can create issues

You need a holistic approach that attends to ALL of the contributing factors

If any are left unaddressed, your difficulties will continue

That's why switching systems or just focusing on discipline don't resolve things

Only when you attend to ALL of the root causes will you finally get past them and on to relaxed, profitable, consistent trading.

"I've been trading for a long time, and it's rare to find someone as professional as Brian. He has the experience and ability to meet his students where they are on the learning curve and take them to a new and more profitable level of trading. I highly recommend working with him, if you have the opportunity." 

Brad Wachter, Trading Educator and founder of Gray Hair Trader

"There simply isn't enough attention to the psychology of trading and the correct approach that needs to be adopted.  Brian McAboy has done an excellent job in walking through the must-know steps in order to become a successful trader.  He will allow you to see your trading from a whole new angle, one which can definitely help you be a better trader."

Mark McRae - Professional Trader and Mentor

"There are many facets to long-term successful trading, and the skills and competencies that are necessary to make a career of trading are far more than simply opening an account and getting busy.

It is vital that a person know what the true key qualities and characteristics of BEING a successful trader are, if indeed that is what they wish to become.

This training will assist you in doing just that.

Brian is able to help people understand why the odds are against them, as well as what you can do to turn those odds around in your favor."

Derek Frey, Head Trader Odom and Frey Futures and Options

Here Is What You Get When You Get Started Today...

Personal Mentoring, Guidance, Support and
Accountability from Brian

I Will Personally Coach You 1-on-1 Through The Entire Process via weekly, LIVE zoom calls

We'll get online every week for an hour or so and attend to the matter at hand as we go through this process.

IMPACT = $25,000+ from all the losses and missed profits you'll save from having to otherwise learn from making mistakes on your own and learning from the school of hard knocks

a.  Structured Guidance, Mentoring, Encouragement and Support

b.  Knowing what to focus on and what to ignore

c.  Insights, understandings, and perspectives that you otherwise might not ever see, simply because you can't see what you can't see by yourself

d.  Feedback!  Books and courses are great and have their place, but nothing beats being able to talk with a LIVE, knowledgeable person, asks questions and get feedback!

e.  Encouragement and emotional support - trading can be a very lonely and isolated occupation.  Help from someone who understands what you're dealing with can be HUGE

f.  Accountability:  self-management is one of the toughest aspects of being a trader.  Through external accountability, it's so much easier to establish and maintain the healthy habits and practices you need to be a consistently profitable trader

"The Solid Foundation Blueprint"

How To Get Organized, Aligned and Mentally Right Regarding Where You're Going and How You'll Get There

IMPACT = $10,000+ from all the wasted time and resources it'll save you from this point on in your trading, because now you have clear direction and structure so you won't be chasing shiny objects and getting distracted all the time

a.  The "Sustainable Motivation" Worksheet

b.  My Proprietary "Peace of Mind" Guide to Setting Personal Goals & Parameters - can also be used for things other than in your trading

c.  The "Wealth Planner" Worksheet for Setting Your Trading Goals, both long term and short term

d.  The "What-If Financial Scenario" Analyzer - for comparing different strategies

e.  1-on-1 help choosing the right trading STRATEGY for you to use, so it's a good fit for your personality and will meet your financial goals

"The Paradigm-Shift Process"

Getting Right With Your System MENTALLY by reshaping your perspectives so good execution (and subsequently profitable trading) become simple and easy

IMPACT = Massive!  When you begin to see trading and systems differently, this changes your future as a trader

a.  Paradigm Shift #1:  "What is Trading?"

b.  Paradigm Shift #2:  "What is a Trading System?"

c.  The Power of Quality for Maximum Trading Profits

"Methodical Money-Maker"

The Quality Assurance Process for Getting Your System Right FUNCTIONALLY, So You Trade Methodically and Make Money Reliably

Your SYSTEM is the core of your trading, and yet, the one thing most traders never think to question from a functional standpoint.

Most traders that struggle with 'discipline' don't realize that their system itself is very likely contributing to the problem

If your system has FUNCTIONAL issues, you WILL experience disappointment and frustration and you WILL be leaving money on the table.

But when your system is defined, constructed and documented the RIGHT WAY, everything else becomes easy and repeating on winners becomes your norm.

IMPACT = $10,000+ from being able to comfortably execute your strategy well, consistently every day

a. The 10-Minute "Nailed-It" Process to Document Your System The Right Way and Without Breaking a Sweat (and the FREE app you can use for to make it even easier)

b.  The "Define Your System So It's Easy To Execute" Method for Structuring and Wording Your Trading System to Make it Produce Consistent Results

c.  The "Easy on Your Brain" Method for Adding Diagrams So You Don't Wind Up Screaming At Your Monitor

d.  The "But Will It Fly?" Method to Make Sure Your System Will Actually Function As Intended and Not Leave You Frustrated And Disappointed

"Prolific Profit-Production"

How To Get Your System Pumping Out Profits and Up To Its Potential.  Now that your system is producing consistent results, we're going to pump up the profitability of your system so that it produces as it should.

IMPACT = $5,000+ from all the profits that will be in your account rather than left on the table

a.  "No-BS Backtesting Method" to establish a performance baseline of your system so you KNOW with a high degree of confidence how good it truly is.  Backtesting done incorrectly only leads to false confidence and/or frustrating disappointment

b. The "Profit-Potential Calculator" spreadsheet to calculate how much Monthly Profit your system is capable of producing, plus the other metrics that matter

c.  "Maximum Profit Engineering" - Optimizing Your System in an Organized & Calculated Manner - NOT just trying random stuff, and without curve fitting or over-optimization

d.  "Here and Now Profits" - Forward Testing Done Right, So You KNOW You're Good To Go Trading Real Money

"Muscle-Memory Makeover"
for Consistent Execution and Confidence Building

Having a solid system that's proven to produce is one thing, but you have to be able to trade it and stick to it.

Throughout your past trading, you've practiced what you've practiced

Now it's time to Retrain you and get you used to good, consistent execution (and subsequently profitable trading) as a habit and "what you do".

The More You Practice Good Execution of Your System, The Easier It Gets

With Proficiency Come Better Results & Greater Confidence

IMPACT = $10,000+ from all the additional profits you'll make - with ease because now it's second nature

a.  "Perfect Practice Makes Perfect" - Most Traders Never Get Taught HOW to Practice the RIGHT Way.  

b.  "Leveling Up Your Game" - Here, You'll Learn How To Bring Your A-Game Every Day

c.  "Train Like You Play" - Making Good, Consistent Execution Your Normal Mode Of Operation

"So Long Self-Sabotage!"

Intentional Mental Conditioning to Rewire Your Brain for Success

IMPACT = $5,000+ from avoiding all the costly 'mistakes' that used to happen because of self-sabotage

a.  "Reframing Your Reality"

b. "House Cleaning" - Making Your Trading Environment Into A Supportive Place by Clearing Negative Triggers

c.  "Befriending Yourself" - Turning That Inner Critic Into An Ally

d.  "Impulse Control" - Installing New Responses to Common Triggers That USED TO Cause You Grief

"Future Money": Maintain Momentum Indefinitely

Now That We've Maximized Your System And Established The Habit of Good Execution, It's Time To Make Sure We Keep It Going

IMPACT = $50,000+ as You Grow and Continue To Grow Your Account Over Time

a.  Monthly Best Practices To Help Your Daily Trading Plus Your Trading Business 

b.  "Weekly After-Action-Reviews" for Continuous Improvement

c.  "Journaling Made Easy":  The 5-Minute Method For Capturing The Important and Useful Information Without Making It A Pain In The Rear-End


Total Impact On Your Trading = $115,000+

Trading is NOT a LOW STAKES game or a short-term endeavor
When it's going poorly, the cost is HIGH
When it's going well, the rewards are substantial
When you get your trading RIGHT, the financial impact is HUGE!

Just 6 Weeks From Now, You'll Be Enjoying
An Entirely NEW Trading Experience

Over the course of just 6 weeks, we're going to
Reset, Re-calibrate, and Re-frame your trading
Redefine your trading system
Rebuild your confidence
Retrain and Recondition you for solid, consistent execution
Relaunch your trading the RIGHT way, so this time it works!

To Ensure Your Success,
You're Also Getting These Bonuses!

Trading System Templates for documenting your system

  • Directional Systems
  • Non-Directional Systems

Three of My Favorite Trading Strategies - to Help You Build Out Your "Trading Playbook"

12-Month Financial Forecast Template - for Projecting and Tracking Your Trading Profits

Limited Availability

Since there is only one of me, I can only take on so many clients at a time

When I'm working with you, you get my full, undivided attention (this isn't group coaching)

Claim your spot now, before they're gone and you have to wait!

Time IS Money - In More Ways Than One

People just don't seem to comprehend how expensive it is to let time pass

You have a variety of costs that you're paying RIGHT NOW

The opportunity cost - when your trading isn't producing, that's a cost, because it could have been - and should have been producing, either in your trading or elsewhere

Inflation - if you're not keeping up with inflation, you're money is losing purchasing power

Your personal capital of self-esteem, confidence and belief in yourself

Training like this is how you buy time - by learning from me instead of all the time it will take for you to figure this out on your own.  You compress YEARS into weeks

The sooner you get your trading right, the sooner you're making money (of course)

The sooner you also get to enjoy the compounding effect for growing your account!

My "You WILL Succeed" Guarantee

This WILL work for you and your trading, no matter what you trade or how you trade.

This Quality Assurance approach has been proven to work in every industry on the planet over decades and it works amazingly well for traders (hundreds of them over the last 12 years)

If you follow my direction and do what you're given to do, you WILL succeed.  Your confidence will be at an "8" or higher on a scale from 1 to 10 and you will be happy with your trading.

In the odd event that things do not work out (like if your confidence is just crushed beyond repair), then I'll gladly refund your money, any time over the next year.

Quick Recap:  Here's Everything You're Getting Today

Personal Mentoring, Guidance, Support and Accountability from Brian - $25,000+ Impact

"The Solid Foundation Blueprint" - $10,000+ Impact

"The Paradigm-Shift Process"

"Methodical Money-Maker" - $10,000+ Impact

"Prolific Profit-Production" - $5,000+ Impact

"Muscle-Memory Makeover" for Consistent Execution and Confidence Building - $10,000+ Impact

"So Long Self-Sabotage!" - $5,000+ Impact

"Future Money": Maintain Momentum Indefinitely- $50,000+ Impact

Total Impact On Your Trading = $115,000+

SOLD OUT! - Join the Waitlist so you're first in line when openings become available!

Comments from Brian's Students

"Dear Brian:

Certainly I have noticed some concrete improvements in my trading.

I have learned to cut my losses on a dime. I have learned to follow my signals rather than second guessing my system all the time.

The 'fear factor' is GREATLY diminished.

For these improvements I am thankful."

- Maribeth Edmonson, Individual Trader, Vancouver, Canada

"...a whole different approach to what it means to be a trader, and it makes so much sense."

"Hi Brian,

It seems like I get emails every week promising "the big secrets" to making money in trading, usually something along the lines of some magic-pill trading system that will have me swimming in cash.  I usually just delete them because I've found that the "secret" isn't in the system, it's in me the trader.

In your training, the lessons and exercises focus on what truly matters - me the trader - the one thing that really does make the difference between winners and losers in trading.

The perspectives you share and the exercises take a whole different approach to what it means to be a trader, and it makes so much sense.  I'm blown away that you seem to be the only one that has realized this simple solution to the problems that most everyone is experiencing in trading.

Thank you Brian & keep up the good work!"

- Todd LiPira, Individual Trader, New Egypt, New Jersey

“Hi Brian,

I am enjoying this training and finding it very helpful.

It has given me a direction (A to Z if you like) so that I can see the entire business as one project. Within that project, I can see where I need more work.

Thanks and regards"

- Peter Geyer, Individual Trader

“Hi Brian:

Prior to working with you, I’d been working on a few issues that had been holding back my trading for some time.

With your insight into both trading and business, I’ve been able to clarify the challenges, devise solutions, and see improvement rather quickly.

Thanks Again,

- Jonathan Krohn, Individual Trader

“I just want to say I am really enjoying this training.

It has revealed some things I didn’t know about myself and made changes for the better. You are a very good teacher and I enjoy the thoroughness of the process. I have to say I enjoyed each lesson and learned something new every time.

It is pretty intense which I like and I am excited to see the effect it has on my trading.

Happy trading and I hope you are have a beautiful day!

Thank you"

- Mieko Hillman, Beverly Hills, CA, Individual Trader

“Dear Brian,

Extremely beneficial and very unique information for traders.

Anyone from novice to experts will benefit from it alike.

You think ONLY finding the right trading system does it all. No way. You have to know this stuff on top of your trading system to generate a complete and ULTRA successful trading environment.”

- Rizwan Ul Haq, Karachi, Pakistan, Individual Trader

Quick Recap:  Here's Everything You're Getting Today

Personal Mentoring, Guidance, Support and Accountability from Brian - $25,000+ Impact

"The Solid Foundation Blueprint" - $10,000+ Impact

"The Paradigm-Shift Process"

"Methodical Money-Maker" - $10,000+ Impact

"Prolific Profit-Production" - $5,000+ Impact

"Muscle-Memory Makeover" for Consistent Execution and Confidence Building - $10,000+ Impact

"So Long Self-Sabotage!" - $5,000+ Impact

"Future Money": Maintain Momentum Indefinitely- $50,000+ Impact

Total Impact On Your Trading = $115,000+

SOLD OUT! - Join the Waitlist so you're first in line when openings become available!

Praise for Brian's Other Works

"The Proven Formula report is excellent.  The summary distills key points in a format that I printed out and tacked on the wall by my trade station.

Now, it's even easier to refocus when trading gets intense.

Keep up the good work! "

Stan Hoffman
Kingston, TN

"The report provides good solid advice and a useful reminder and check list - particularly when you are in "drawdown mode".

For me the best use would be to review the report at least monthly to ensure I remain on track - its all too easy to go off on tangents when trading."

James King
Perth, Western Australia

"I am very pleased with The Proven Formula. As a new trader I will be acting on your advice.

Thank you for helping me become a successful trader. I am slowly increasing my profits everyday after starting with only $199 US, so your small charge for the advice helped me greatly. To make a profit I have to be sure of my judgments and trust my strategies. It takes a great deal of time and study, but I know I will succeed."

Alan Heathcote
Hobart ,Tasmania, Australia

"The Proven Formula is an excellent presentation for getting into the mindset of a trader. 

All traders have different "trading personalities", thus they require different methods to achieve the same goals--profits in the markets.  No one method applies to all traders. There are no "holy grails" out there. 

All traders must address how they want to approach the market.  Each trader is different.  Brian address these points effectively in his report.  I highly suggest you read it and study to find the "inner you". 

Your trading will improve if you implement what is taught."

Mervin Pearson   
Winchester, Oregon

"Hi Brian,

I love your Subtle Trap of Trading as well as The Proven Formula report.  Thank you!.

They already have inspired me to become a more successful trader by looking inwards and discovering my motives for trading."

Billy Apostolo,  Individual Trader
New York, New York

"I loved it! This report is a must for any serious trader,  who treats his trading as a business.

Keep up the good work!"

Hamid Jreige
Dartmouth, Nova.Scotia Canada.

"Awesome report Brian!

I just finished your Proven Formula report and I wanted to congratulate you.

You have effectively distilled hundreds of books on trading into one report and revealed the essence of what makes successful traders. It's no fluff, 100% spot on and for the price it's a steal.

I highly recommend this report."

Best regards,
David Jenyns - Professional Trader And Trading Coach

"Since I found Brian, I have enjoyed my trading results that much more.

The Proven Formula of All Highly Profitable Traders sums up what I believe has made all the difference to me.

Having Brian on my side is like having him on my team, and I highly recommend getting a copy of this report."

Dean Whittingham
Melbourne, Australia
The Financial Market Fisherman

"I have been testing/comparing two trading strategies for the last 90 days. I have gathered data from back testing and real-time testing and plugged it into the Trading Performance Analyzer.

I was amazed at how easy it was to determine which strategy had the biggest effect on my bottom line.

The TPA saved me a lot of time and made the process of comparison much simpler and easier. I will continue to use it to keep track of my method's performance from this point on.

This is an important tool for any serious trader's tool box. Thanks!"

Pat Davis, Individual Trader
Colorado Springs, CO


Just a note of thanks to you for the TPA. I have been back testing a new (to me) system and plugging the results into the analyzer. The information that it gives me is vital to understanding what this or any system can do. It is giving me a confidence in my system that otherwise might have been shaken by a few small losses.

I have to admit, when I first got this I thought it was a cool 'toy', and figured I'd use it some time to track trades or something. Little did I know it would prove to be such a powerful learning tool. In fact, I can't imagine successfully trading without it now. I also have to admit that I didn't really 'get' everything you were talking about regarding psychology and how proper planning helps you to be better prepared mentally for the ups and downs of trading, but since I actually began to make use of this, it sort of pulls everything together. In fact, I think I'll go back and re read everything again and see how much I really missed the first time around!

Thanks again for something that really is helpful."

Richard Daniels
St. Louis, MO


I'd always wanted to see how consistent I was each month but before using the Trading Performance Analyzer I had no idea how one month compared to another. Now I can see my results from month to month.

I had a month that was lower than expected so I was able to go back through my trading journal and review my trades. I found some mistakes I had made and was able to correct them. Every month since then has been consistently where I want it.

With the TPA I'm able to see my results and it helps to keep me on track. I like being able to easily see my P/L ratio, winning trades % and the number of trades which has kept me from over trading. And being able to see my risk/reward ratio has really helped me improve in that area.

I was testing three systems but really had no idea how they were performing. The backtesting feature made this easy to see. Two systems did not perform well and had too much of a drawdown even when following my strict money management rules. The third showed good results and I've been very profitable with it for the past six months.

Using the TPA has given me the confidence to stick with my system. Now I can see all of my results and as long as I stick to my rules I now know I can stay consistently profitable."

Matt Anderson
Cape Coral, FL

"I regard myself as a serious trader and monitor my trading metrics very closely.
However to get this data at the end of each month was a real chore for me, having to grind through my own clumsy Excel spreadsheets and collate information from different sources. If only there were a quicker and more efficient way !

Then I came across Brian McAboy’s Trading Performance Analyser.

This is a great piece of software. It is simple to use and provides all my trading metrics in a clear and concise format – all updated immediately as I enter each new trade.

I also use it to backtest trading ideas and get the real picture of a system’s performance before committing valuable trading capital.

It is so much easier to use than a lot of other more complicated software out there.

This is an essential piece of software for anyone who takes their trading seriously."
John Tomson, Individual Trader
Sydney, Australia

"The Analyzer is AWESOME! Overall a GREAT value - Another great product from an experienced trader.

Well done, Brian. A definite addition to my trading toolset."

- Stan Hoffman, Individual Trader
Kingston, TN

"In the Trading Performance Analyzer, Brian has brought together all the key statistical information that a trader needs to plan realistically for the future.

Trying to figure it all out yourself is the kind of thing that is dull and difficult to work out, but is crucial for giving the trader the confidence to get on and trade a system, concentrating on execution, while knowing what the reward for consistently applying the rules will be.

You can play around with different figures for income withdrawal, and see the effect on the end equity.

The information the Trading Performance Analyzer provides represents an important edge for the trader, and is an essential tool if you are serious about trading as a business."

- Julian Karolyi, Individual Trader
Edinburgh, UK

The Subtle Trap of Trading by Brian McAboy should be required reading for any trader at any experience level. It is not only well written, its message is important and targeted to assist traders of any market at any stage in their trading journey. It is tailored to the individual trader so that the honing of the trader's point of view and style is the area that gets the needed attention. Terrific Value! Great Job Brian!

Sara Peterson
Individual Trader with 5 years experience in Futures Trading

"Brian's book is an ingenious work. It illuminates the path one needs to achieve success in the world of financial trading and it is sorely needed. The staggering amount of money and time I spent becoming a successful trader could have been easily reduced by 2/3 had I followed the outline Brian presents. Its a gift."

Dan K - Individual Trader
Kerry, Ireland

Comments From Trading Professionals

"Bottom line is that Brian gives the trader a blueprint for STRUCTURE, both mentally (your emotions, etc.) and physically (choosing a trading system, running your trading business).

He gets your mind and self set to win... and not get caught in the very subtle yet powerful mental and emotional trap that brings most traders to ruin.

As you can imagine, with me being in the mental training for traders business, I was
delighted to see someone delve into and try to rescue misguided traders... which, sadly,
are most traders.


Norman Hallett, The Disciplined Trader

Trading psychology is the most important part of trading that one needs to get control of in order to be become a consistently profitable trader.

Brian McAboy is a leader in this field and can help anyone take their trading to new heights.

Daniel Hollo, Trading coach, trading software developer and owner of

"This is the first training in my 30 years in the business that seriously deals with the long standing statistic in trading - that 90% lose. It's right on the money for traders that truly want to be successful without struggling through years and thousands of dollars in losses.

For any serious trader it is a must."

Judy Crawford, Broker, Zaner Group, 30+ years trading

Quick Recap:  Here's Everything You're Getting Today

Personal Mentoring, Guidance, Support and Accountability from Brian - $25,000+ Impact

"The Solid Foundation Blueprint" - $10,000+ Impact

"The Paradigm-Shift Process"

"Methodical Money-Maker" - $10,000+ Impact

"Prolific Profit-Production" - $5,000+ Impact

"Muscle-Memory Makeover" for Consistent Execution and Confidence Building - $10,000+ Impact

"So Long Self-Sabotage!" - $5,000+ Impact

"Future Money": Maintain Momentum Indefinitely- $50,000+ Impact

Total Impact On Your Trading = $115,000+

SOLD OUT! - Join the Waitlist so you're first in line when openings become available!