Brian here with the 3rd critical step in your pursuit of your independence through trading.
This one is cool because this is how you accelerate your arrival in the promised land of trading, where you have the financial security and freedom that trading offers, yet eludes to many.
Before we jump into the 3rd step, it's worth just a minute to consider what Independence really means, both in general and to you.
Many think that Independence means quitting the day JOB.
But it really goes way beyond that.
True Independence means being able to do whatever you feel like, whenever you want and NOT having to get permission of any sort from ANYONE.
True Independence means that you CAN continue to work if you choose, and the cool thing about it is that now you're doing it solely because you CHOOSE TO, not because you HAVE TO.
And when you are in a position to walk out the door any time you're no longer happy, it is amazing how differently people treat you.
And when you DO choose to leave the life of working for (A.K.A. “Property of”) someone else, and you now work for yourself, that gets really cool.
The FREEDOM is amazing.
- JOB IN-security (personally I don't have ANY faith in job security in today's world)
- Having to check with SOMEONE ELSE to do something with my kids
- How much I make being determined by SOMEONE ELSE
- Having to do something I don't like because SOMEONE ELSE says I have to
- Having to drive to work! And of course the cost of gas, plus the time!
- Having my vacation time during the year limited by SOMEONE ELSE!
- Having where I live and work determined by SOMEONE ELSE!
- Having to put up with any kind of B.S. from a boss or a company
- The list goes on and on!
And of course there is the FREEDOM TO:
- Change what I'm doing if I get bored or it's no longer fun
- Give myself a raise any time I choose
- Take a nap after lunch
- Work only 3 or 4 days a week if I choose
- Work only a couple hours a day if I choose
- Hang out poolside while I get some sun
- Ignore the news (and all the insanity) if I want to
- Chat with my neighbor
- Go play golf on a whim
- The list goes on and on!
Independence means having the CHOICE about everything to do with your life and NOT having to turn to anyone else in your decision-making.
You don't HAVE to quit your job, but now you have the CHOICE without concern.
Okay, so what is Step #3?
This is the step that makes many things happen, but the most important is that it makes things happen FASTER.
This is crucial for two HUGE reasons:
- Because life is short
- Because time is money..
Now this step only makes complete sense, yet believe it or not most still FAIL to take this one.
Because they aren't sure HOW.
But remember, things will ALWAYS go better WITH A PLAN.
The plan for your business is what we're talking about here.
WITHOUT a plan, you will WASTE tons of time, resources and effort through misdirection.
When you DO have a PLAN, you avoid wasteful detours and you stay focused.
You have direction, you have a guide.
WITHOUT a PLAN, you will likely also continue to sabotage yourself too.
Because without a plan, you are NOT organized as well as you should be – and your subconscious will recognize the misalignment – and fix it.
With out a plan, your success will be largely by CHANCE – and your subconscious will recognize the misalignment – and fix it.
A plan brings conscious competence to the whole matter of trading – and helps you create success by intentional design.
This is why EVERY bank, lender, Angel Investor and Venture Capitalist requires a PLAN or they won't even bother to talk to you, let alone give you money.
The plan is what makes the ‘time to profitability' a KNOWN item, rather than an unknown variable.
If you don't already have one, begin your business plan now. If you DO, then stay tuned.
P.S. If you want a headstart on how to put together a Business Plan for your trading,