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Several months back I did some research on a true trading legend and I wanted to share with you some unique lessons that I discovered while doing this research.
The funny thing was the he never even intended to become a trader.

For one of his gigs, the club owner didn't have the cash to pay him, so he accepted $3,000 in stocks instead.  That how he got his start in trading.

He managed to amass a fortune of over $20,000,000 in today's dollars in a fairly short period of time. He then shared his story in a book that detailed his system and his methods completely.

The thing that caught my attention is that so few have been able to emulate his success or even come close, even though he laid everything out in detail on how he did it.

So if he gave his method out completely, he wrote the recipe for his success, what was the difference?

What made him successful where others aren't, even using his system?

  • He certainly wasn't born with a special gift for trading
  • He didn't have an extraordinary natural discipline, nor was he immune from emotions, nor was he a super-genius
  • He wasn't even a full-time trader

I made notes as I went along and found that what he did actually followed a particular formula. As I looked at other great traders, I saw that ALL the great traders of the past and present have employed the same formula that allows them to achieve the goal of being consistently and highly profitable – whether they were aware of it or not.

And like all traders, it was during those times in their careers when they got away from this formula that they struggled and encountered difficulty. When they got back to this formula is when they regained their touch and their edge.

Best of all, this formula is very simple and extremely straightforward.

Rather than retell his whole story in a 300-page book and leave you to figure it out for yourself, I distilled this formula into a brief, straight to the point, no B.S. report and laid it out step-by-step to make it easy to follow. The report is called “The Proven Formula of ALL Highly Profitable Traders”

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