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009 – Interview with Hugh Kimura of

Consistent Profits Podcast
Consistent Profits Podcast
009 – Interview with Hugh Kimura of

Hugh Kimura is a full-time trader and entrepreneur. He is the creator of Trading Heroes, an educational website that helps traders become the best version of themselves through trading. He does not have a formal finance education, but he previously worked at a hedge fund and at the largest bank in Hawaii. 

This episode is also available for viewing on YouTube –>

Show Notes

  • How Hugh started trading while he was in college before he graduated, then right after graduating he started in as a trader, but quickly got a lesson to wait and learn first
  • His early learning from Chris Lori and how Chris helped him get started for real
  • How he started Trading Heroes as a means of learning and getting to know other traders
  • How he managed to survive as a trader
  • His lesson regarding the psychology of trading that came to be his turning point
  • The Ayahuaskca ceremony in Costa Rica that gave him answers on what blocks had been interfering with his trading
  • We talked about psychedelics and how certain breathing techniques can induce a similar state and lasting positive effects regarding peace of mind
  • How trading is coming face to face with your own demons
  • Hugh’s thoughts on how many traders are quite successful outside of trading yet will still sabotage themselves and struggle with trading
  • What to look for in a trading coach or mentor
  • What a person new to trading should start with, particularly within the scope of the psychology of trading
  • What the primary skills are for a person to focus on developing
  • What Hugh sees as one of the biggest keys for consistent profits

This podcast is brought to you by, where the focus is specifically on CONSISTENCY, so you’ll find all sorts of unique resources to help you trading profitably and with confidence.

About the podcast

How to find Hugh

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