2 Videos, A Killer Trading Strategy Report, Plus News

Brian here and I've got a few zeroes for you, meaning no cost goodies, that is, plus some news.

1.  A killer trading strategy report.  I totally love this, just because it makes so much sense!

Get the report here – no charge

2.  You've been hearing me talk about the Gartley Pattern and how it has proven over 70% accurate over the last 75 years (meaning that it WORKS).

It is a personal favorite of Professional Trader Derek Frey.  I asked him to put together a brief (<20 min) video for you and you can get access to it here,

Gartley Intro Video

3.  If you want to see a more in-depth video on the Gartley pattern, you can watch it here.  This one is about 90 minutes.

Gartley In-depth

4.  The Gartley Patterns is an excellent one to construct a system around, and if you are interested in being mentored on how to use it (properly of course), plus build your own custom system with it, the deadline and class schedule for the mentoring have changed.  You can find out more about it here,

Mentoring on Gartley with Derek Frey

5.  For Forex Traders ONLY – I have found a way for you to have your mentoring essentially paid for at least in part if not in full.  I'm working out the details, so be checking your inbox.  As soon as I have the full info, I'll let you know.



P.S.  Frustration, time and money are the high prices of being a self-trained trader.

The deadline to sign up for the Proven-Method Mentoring has been moved back to Thursday April 24th and the days for the classes made more accommodating, so take advantage of the experience and expertise of these Professional Traders.


You know it's a smart business decision, so if there is something holding you back, please let me know what it is so that we can find a way to address it!

Just reply to this email – it's that easy!

Otherwise, get registered right now.  Do it for yourself.  You'll be very glad you did!
