2008 is nearly upon us. Are you making ready now?

Did you make any resolutions last January?

Did you follow through on all of them?

86% of all resolutions go unrealized, but there is
something you can do about it to give yourself
much better odds that you will make YOURS happen.

I heard a quote by Brian Tracy the other day that
I found particularly pertinent to resolutions.

“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives
you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal

What areas of your trading do you envision would
improve the most if you focused your resources on

* Your mindset?
* Your System?
* Emotional control?
* Organization and general practices?

Why do I ask?

Well if you really do want to see some big improvements
in 2008, when would be the best time to begin, after
January 1st when the “old pattern” would have to take
action, or this month, before the holidays even arrive?

This month there are a number of things you can initiate
to make next year even better. A few that I know of that
are coming this month, December, are:

* The relaunch of a powerful and very highly praised Forex
trading system,

* My eclass on Building a Rock-solid Trading Foundation,
expanded dramatically from the last session and putting
you on the fast-track to having a truly solid trading
business, covering both personal skills and business
aspects of trading,

* Numerous special offers on popular products and services
specifically to explode your trading

I’ll be letting you know about these events as they draw
near, so be checking your inbox and reading my emails.

If you haven’t already started preparing for 2008, NOW
is definitely the time, so you can “hit the ground
running” and really make 2008 the best year ever!



P.S. Speaking of excellent discounts on great products,
there are only 4 discounts left for the Trading
Performance Analyzer, so if you haven’t already checked
this video out, you still have time….. maybe.


The link with the $20 discount coupon is right below
the video.