Hello again!
Yesterday I wrote you about “The Great Work of Your Life, A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling” (you can read that here)
Today, I've got something different
When reading the introduction of the Great Work of Your Life, I had an incredibly strong inspiration as he speaks of finding your calling.
A few pages in, I think this is where it hit me,
“But for now, here’s an experiment. Stop reading for a minute, and ask yourself these questions: Am I living fully right now? Am I bringing forth everything I can bring forth? Am I digging down into that ineffable inner treasure-house that I know is there? That trove of genius? Am I living my life’s calling? Am I willing to go to any lengths to offer my genius to the world?”
I don’t know if those questions in and of themselves did it, but it hit me to write about what I’d shared in a conversation with a business colleague several days before, where we talked about how masculinity has been getting a bad rap as meaning aggressive, hostile and abusive.
I personally feel that being a man is about much more noble qualities and I feel that ‘being a real man’ has in many ways become discouraged and often maligned, but mostly out of distortion of what masculinity really it means.
I feel that this distortion is a great disservice to everyone
It just came to me to write about it, and I’d love to get your thoughts on a book I feel called to write: “Now More Than Ever, the World Needs Good, Real Men”.
In it, I want to share the qualities from generations past that exemplify why good men are truly needed in our world today, in families, in our communities, in our societies.
Qualities like: heart, honor, courage, strength, character, compassion, resourcefulness, integrity, humility, and so on.
I truly feel that our world does need good, real, strong men of heart and character, and so I have started writing a book on the matter.
The intention is to inspire men to become the good men that we're capable of, to make a difference through our character and the impact we have in the world
The book will look at different roles a man plays, the different characteristics of being a good man, and various ways to develop into the ‘better man' many wish to be
The book is a work-in-progress, and I'll be working with several people to bring it together with the intention of being a very useful and well-received book that makes a difference in the lives of hopefully many people
If you feel that this is a worthwhile endeavor and of interest to you when it is released, please reply to this email with your thoughts on it along with any ideas, questions and/or suggestions
3 good books part 3 is coming tomorrow with yet another book (this one is about trading though)
P.S. In case you've never listened to it before, the other inspiration I had for writing this book is the audio by Paul Harvey, “So God Made A Farmer” which you can listen to at the link below.
In it I feel he exemplifies the type of man we could use more of in today's world