There are 3 HUGE reasons why they do, and why you should too…
This message is a little longer than most, consisting of four parts, but very much worth your while.
The first part explores the three reasons why
They are not necessarily in order of importance – the priority goes by individual person, and you'll have your priorities
The second part explores the section of the document that no one seems to pay attention to, yet it's probably the MOST VITAL part, as you'll soon see
The third part takes a look at who you are with regards to your trading and will likely provide you with some useful perspectives
The fourth part looks at a commonly heard but NOT commonly fully understood
These all have direct impact on your trading, so let's begin…
Reason #1
You don't want it to take forever for you to get where you want with your trading, do you?
Of course, not.
You want to get there as quickly as possible
Not 5 to 15 years
Months is more like it
But the path taken by most traders is the long and winding road
The ‘figure-it-out-as-you-go', trial-and-error way, simply takes too long
There are just too many ways to do it wrong
Not to mention the toll on your confidence all the failures takes
“Time to sustained profits” is a HUGE reason
Reason #2
Doesn't it just suck to live in a near-constant state of anxiety and often despair?
Wondering if ANYONE is making money as a trader…
Wondering if this month with be the month you turn the corner, or if that time will never come…
Lying awake at night, unable to let it go and just get a good night's sleep
Living with the self-doubt and questioning, the crushed confidence
Oh, to have some security, to be able to actually count on this to be a reliable source of income and wealth generation…
“Security and peace of mind” is the next HUGE reason
Reason #3
You've worked hard for your money, and you don't want to just throw it away, do you?
Of course not.
Only the insanely wealthy do that.
You want to make sure that your money is used wisely, so that you get the most out of it
Frivolous and unnecessary waste just don't fit in with your plans
Besides, waste has probably the highest opportunity costs
Money wasted is no longer around to be put to use elsewhere and producing a return for you
When it comes to financial endeavors, waste just doesn't have a place
It happens quite often in both trading and in the general business industry, that the waste is what keeps the business from succeeding
Waste often kills the business because of the resources no longer available for productive purposes
You don't want your capital wasted
You want your capital to used efficiently and effectively
Keeping waste to a minimum is the third HUGE reason
These reasons are why Venture Capitalists and Business Investor absolutely INSIST on a complete and proper business plan
If you show up and ask for funding without one, you won't get the time of day, let alone any money
In the first section of a business plan is usually the Executive Summary
Why is this so vital?
Well, you can have a great plan, but its success ultimately depends directly on the person or persons who will be executing that plan and running the company
If they are well-qualified, then this bodes well for the venture
But if they are NOT, then the entire operation is severely at risk – and so is your investment
How likely would YOU be to invest in a company in a highly competitive industry if the people you're depending on to make it happen have no experience or training for it?
This is why it is the first section
Because if people implementing the plan don't have prior experience and success, then you better make sure that they're getting trained for it
But wait a minute…
YOU are the investor in your trading business
When you chose to become a trader, you automatically chose to also take on several roles in addition to that of “Trader”
You are first and foremost the Business Investor
You are also the Business Strategist, Organizer and Planner
You are the Startup Manager, along with the being the day-to-day Operations Manager
You are the Trading System Analyst and Troubleshooter
You are the company Accountant
You are Quality Assurance
You have many roles to fulfill in this business you've chosen
And each of these roles has a specific set of skills and body of knowledge
If you don't fulfill these roles and do so well, your operation will suffer and subsequently your bottom line and ability to sustain any profitability you generate
Most traders find out the hard way, and start trading without a business plan and/or without proper and adequate training to be a self-sufficient and truly independent trader.
The result is considerable waste of time, effort, and resources, along with a tremendously longer time to profitability than is reasonable.
The lack of a proper plan and training also leaves you trading at a severe disadvantage, and nothing in which to have basis for confidence, security and peace of mind.
I've been helping small business owners for over 20 years, and the challenges and parallels between trading and business in general are considerable.
In order to succeed and make your trading a long term asset upon which you can rely and enjoy that knowing, treating it as the business that it is, is critical.
When you treat your trading the same as you would any other business venture, and go into it properly organized and prepared, you have a much better experience than the majority.
The plan and the training are no guarantee, but they are very good assurance that you are being smart about the pursuit and giving yourself every advantage.
This is the core of the trading wisdom, “Treat your trading as a business”
If you don't have experience or training from prior to trading that you can fall back on, then you'll need to find someone with experience in both fields that can guide you and show you what you need to do for the business aspects, but also the skills you need to be successful in the trading industry.
You'll need someone that can help you make the business planning process smooth and efficient.
The process of creating a business plan can be very daunting, which is why if often doesn't get done, in all industries.
Now you can go it alone and take what you've learned here and try to sort through the avalanche of information on the internet, and try to separate the noise and bad information from the good.
You can also ignore what you've learned here and hope for the best, continuing on the path you've been on.
Or you can try a different path.
I understand how overwhelming it can be, but at the same time how absolutely essential this process is if you want to make it as a trader and in a reasonable period of time.
- If you want shorten your time to profitability, and avoid taking YEARS to get there…
- If you want to keep waste of your time and capital to a minimum, and make sure that the investment in your business is used wisely…
- If you want to have security in what your doing with your trading and in your future as a trader, and no longer live with doubt and anxiety…
Then I strongly recommend that you check out the Trading As Your Business program.
It is efficient and effective and proven out
In less than 60 days, you can completely transform your trading experience
Click here to find out more and get started
P.S. Can you really afford to leave the future of your trading to chance, to ‘wing it' and proceed with trial and error?
Haven't you had enough stress and anxiety?
Isn't it time you got to experience BETTER?
Give yourself the security and peace of mind you want and deserve