3 questions most traders can’t answer, but really should be able to…

Brian here with a really important question for you (in 3 parts)

This isn't not for me.

This is important for you to know as a person and as a trader

Because you want your time, money and efforts to be well-invested, not just spent

Unfortunately, most traders can't answer this question without having to do a bit of work first

It's not normally something they pay attention to,

But it definitely should be

Okay, so here is the big question, in 3 parts

What is your trading ROI…

  • In terms of money?
  • In terms of time? or put another way, what is your hourly pay?
  • In terms of quality of life on a daily basis?  Do you enjoy it, or is it a chore?

Life is too short to invest too much into things that just aren't worth it

Because you can't get these weeks, months and years back

Now, let's keep things in perspective…

Yes, delayed gratification is an important matter, and definitely necessary for long term success as a trader

But there are reasonable limits on things too,

…especially when you look at things from the perspective of OPPORTUNITY COST

Imagine yourself a year from now, looking back,

Would all this time and effort have been better invested into something else?

Or if you decide to stick with trading, would a year of doing things the way you have been be the best investment of your time, money and effort?

Do you really want a whole year more of how things are going at this time?

Or would you prefer that a year from now, things are going DIFFERENTLY?

Well you can't have the same routines that produce what you've got now, but expect a different outcome, can you?

Or as I've heard it put,

“What got you here, won't get you there.”

Trading is NOT an art

It's also NOT something where you have the natural ability or you don't and your genes determine your fate


This means that succeeding as a trader is about acquiring and developing the RIGHT skills

You're above average, so learning new skills shouldn't take YEARS

Months, maybe, but not 3 or 5 or 10 years

If things aren't working the way you want, it's because you're missing one or more critical skills necessary for this vocation

When you get the right skills, and truly know what to do, doesn't it then only make sense that things will be relatively easy at that point?

So what can you do if things are NOT working the way you want?

In the 12 1/2 years I've been helping traders, I've found that most traders are in one of three situations

  1. The first group feels overwhelmed with the vast number of things they CAN do, and at the same time, also feel like they almost don't even know where to start.

    They need to get themselves and their operation organized.

    They lack focus and structure and waste TONS of time and money jumping around, chasing profits, but with little or no direction – or progress

  2. This group is frustrated with not knowing how to get things to work as expected.

    They're somewhat organized, but having difficulty getting things to produce, and they're tired of the disappointment.

    They're stuck in ‘trial-and-error' mode, trying this and that, unable to find that “good system” that they can rely on.

    This group has been through the “Try-and-Fail” cycle so many times,that their confidence is at a “0”, “1” or “2”.

  3. The third group has the skills they need, or they're at least pretty close, and mostly just need on-going support with the personal challenge of trading, staying focused and accountable.

    This group can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and they know they can get there.

    They've learned that having support makes a huge difference in being able to sustain their efforts, plus just having someone to talk with that understands what it's like to be a trader makes for a MUCH better experience.

If your trading is going along just as you want and your ROI's are where you want them to be, then excellent.

I'm genuinely happy for you and congratulations on your success.  I'm sure you've earned it!

If things are NOT as you want them to be, then please, for your sake, don't just keep doing what you've been doing if it honestly isn't getting you there.

I see WAY too many people let years and thousands of dollars simply go to waste.

Life is too short for that.

Change what you're doing and realize a different outcome.

I hope this helps!



P.S.  Whether you get help from me or someone else, get help.

This is NOT a job that can be learned completely on your own, at least not without a HUGE price paid in terms of time and hard lessons

Remember!  Trading is about having the right SKILL SETS

You can't train yourself

Get the right training on the right skills and see how much easier your life becomes

And speaking of investments and ROI, you will almost ALWAYS get the highest ROI when you invest in yourself

Think training is expensive?

You already know how expensive it is to try to trade WITHOUT the complete and proper range of skills

Now we're talking about training that helps YOU become a more complete trader, NOT shiny objects that wind up on the proverbial bookshelf (like trading systems)

If you're in the first group and need help getting organized and focused so you can stop running in circles, then go here

If you're in the second group and you mostly just need to know how to get your system working (without having to lose money in the markets in the process), and you want to get things turned around quickly, then go here

If you're in the third group, and you mostly would really like some on-going personal support, some interaction with someone that understands, then go here

Whatever you do, whether you get my help or help from someone else, please do NOT just let all your personal investment of time, money and SELF that you've put in your trading go to waste.

Be impatient.  Enough time has probably already gone by.

Insist on getting there and in a reasonable period of time, like weeks or months, NOT YEARS