7 Truths About Trading Give You A Major Advantage – IF You Capitalize On Them

It's rather straightforward really.  Consider these 7 truths about trading.

  1. Price doesn't have a mind of its own.
  2. Price is driven up, down or sideways by people.
  3. Human nature doesn't change.
  4. Humans ARE predictable, and that's why patterns appear on the charts again and again.
  5. The patterns are ‘response patterns' of people to events that occur.
  6. Once started, a pattern will usually complete or ‘play out' unless it is disrupted by another event.
  7. When you can identify a pattern and develop a method to take advantage of the foresight it gives you, you gain a major advantage in your trading.

His #1 Money-Making Chart Pattern

My good friend and colleague Chris Vermeulen has identified a price pattern that consistently makes money time and time again. This pattern is not found in books, nor is it talked about in any trading course or by any elite traders.

What Is It And Why Doesn't Anyone Talk About It?

Well that is a good question and he thinks the main reason is because no one knows about it. He has mentioned it to a lot of traders and many of them are professional traders yet it completely goes over their head or they are dismissing it because they don’t want others to find out about it.

The other reason could be because traders don't know what to call it. He gave it a simple name as he just named it what it is, so it is self-explanatory.

While he sees and trade this secret price pattern on all time frames (it does not work on tick charts), the longer the time frame in which it forms the better.

If the pattern forms a weekly chart then you are looking at a major investing opportunity that has an average return of 57% return within a few weeks. The daily chart pattern tends to provide 10- 20% return within a few days of this pattern forming.

Subscribers of his ETF Portfolio Newsletter profited twice in February from it locking in 10% and 21.9% trading simple ETFs.

He also mentioned this pattern does not form on baskets of investments like a sector or index. It only takes please on individual investments like stocks and commodities.

So if you want to be making these trades with Chris, join his ETF Trading Newsletter today ETF Newsletter

To find out this can give you huge advantage, click here

