Trading Psychology: What It's Like…

Rather than tell you myself, I thought I’d share this message that I received yesterday.


I’d always wanted to see how consistent I was each month but before using the Trading Performance Analyzer I had no idea how one month compared to another.   Now I can see my results from month to month.

I had a month that was lower than expected so I was able to go back through my trading journal and review my trades.  I found some mistakes I had made and was able to correct them.  Every month since then has been consistently where I want it.

With the TPA I’m able to see my results and it helps to keep me on track.  I like being able to easily see my P/L ratio, winning trades % and the number of trades which has kept me from over trading.  And being able to see my risk/reward ratio has really helped me improve in that area.

I was testing three systems but really had no idea how they were performing.  The backtesting feature made this easy to see.  Two systems did not perform well and had too much of a drawdown even when following my strict money management rules.  The third showed good results and I’ve been very profitable with it for the past six months.

Using the TPA has given me the confidence to stick with my system.  Now I can see all of my results and as long as I stick to my rules I now know I can stay consistently profitable.”

Matt Anderson
Cape Coral, FL

You can experience this too.

Get the Trading Performance Analyzer right now!



P.S.  Version 7.6 has just been released with new features.  Still user-friendly and complete.