Psychology of Trading – Manage Your Beliefs and Control Your Trading

I’ve got another excellent video for you today from Head Trader Todd Brown of TripleThreatFX.

In today’s video, Todd gives you insights on how to:

“Manage your belief systems and control your trading”

Here’s his message before you watch it,

What are your belief systems behind your trading? Do you
believe you can truly be successful? Because what you feel
about your trading plan has a direct influence on your results.

Your future in trading depends on your belief in the power
of the model and the strategy. I put together this video “SysTrain
Session from Dynamic Structure Training Series” to explain
this to you in great detail.

In this next video you will learn the 5 following points:

1. Developing a strong belief in your trading system.
2. What your brain sees when looking for the optimal
conditions when entering a trade.
3. How the “IF” in the conditional process is essential.
4. Applying the “WHEN” factor.
5. Combining both the “IF” with the “WHEN” together.

A sound trading strategy requires walking through the entries,
stops and targets. In order to see if it is a good strategy, there
will be a string of winners, losers and sideways equity.

You will learn to familiarize and accept the above three conditions
and how they are the components of absolute truth behind any
trading system you will ever see.

Simply click on the link below to be taken to the video blog
where you can watch the video and I welcome your comments
and questions as well.

Remember to Limit Your Emotions and Follow your Plan,

Todd Brown
Head Trader


Have a great weekend!


“The Trading Turnaround Coach”