Test Your Intelligence on Plastic Injection Molding!

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The students in the class I teach challenged me on my knowledge of plastic extrusion. With them not fully knowing my lengthy awareness of every aspect of Polymer Extrusion I told them whoever wrote a better research paper would receive extra credit. With the news of extra credit in the ears of my students the mission was on. Well here we go, Polymer Extrusion is simply the manufacturing of raw plastic for a wide variety of products such as piping, wire insulation, and plastic sheeting. Sometimes it’s even used to make simple items such as adhesive tape. Window frames are products of Polymer Extrusion as well. It all starts with raw plastic beads that are fed into a heated extruder cavity or cylinder.

I bet my Students won’t know this; sometimes the raw plastic is mixed with colorants before the extrusion process and maybe, be added with UV inhibitors. Back to the extrusion process the next step is for the plastic to move through an opening in the extruder cavity towards a screw mechanism.

The screw inside of the cavity rotates with force making the plastic exit through the extruder cavity. It may look like one of those ‘play-doh’ machines grinding the colorful clay into a certain shape. IT’s a warm 400 degrees F in the machine and it’s needed to be that high to match the melting point of the plastic.

A big problem in the extrusion process is the problem of overheating. Most often in the extrusion process 3 heaters are used. The plastic is gradually introduced to the three heaters to gradually melt so overheating is not a problem.

The heaters are shut off and the desired temperature is kept by the amount of pressure within the cavity. After the molten lava leaves the heater cavity, it moves through a specially designed filter to remove any contaminants out of the plastic.

After the heat is added, Cooling fans are put in place to reduce the temperature of the molten lava. After the cooling fans it is placed into a special screen that filters any left remaining contaminants after the screen it’s time for the plastic to be placed into a die.

Plastic Product Manufacturing is a constantly growing business just by the convenience of storm panels the extrusion process delivers. I have a friend who used to be a Polymer Manufacturer and explained how patience in this process is key.

Specially designed cooling rolls replace the water bath for more delicate plastic products such as plastic sheeting. If my students don’t add that fact I’ll send them all to the chokey! After the process the plastic is spooled, coiled, or cut to length. I bet my knowledge of the Polymer Extrusion Process will overcome my pupils.

Even clay and food are examples of things extruded from plastic. The plastic injection molding is very detailed but interesting. I think investing your time into local polymer extrusion companies will sure be a great idea. The amount of exterior shutters grows rapidly!

– Gregory Scott