Trading Plan Financial “What-If” Analyzer

In This 100% FREE Spreadsheet, You’ll Instantly Discover…

  • What ROI you should target to reach your goals
  • What combination of Win % and R/R will have you actually making money
  • The expectancy (or average-return-per-trade) for your system
  • How many trades you really need to place each week and each month
  • And more!

“A fun tool that helps you trade better”

“Hi Brian,

Great job on the worksheet, it is a very useful tool for looking into your future and seeing what you as a trader need to do to reach your goal.

Up until now it has been a bunch of numbers and words but this pulls it altogether and makes it seem real.

It shows what a big difference a small change can make.

Ron, Individual Trader

“Morning Brian,

Thanks for the spreadsheet.

I found it helpful as a solid basic “lets see” tool.

I see too many traders that expect to make $1M in their first year of trading.

This provides a good visual on what is takes to earn X.

I am a huge believer in position sizing and R/R ratios.

Thanks again

Mark, Individual Trader

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