[Trading Psychology] Could It Possibly Be That YOU Aren't The Problem Afterall?

Could it possibly be that YOU aren’t the problem afterall?

I hear it all the time:  “If I could just get out of my own way!”

But quite often, the trader isn’t the problem.

There is another huge contributor that nearly EVERYONE overlooks – because they don’t know to question it.

A little investigation usually reveals that the hesitation, chasing bad trades, staying in too long or getting out too early are happening for a reason OTHER THAN a lack of discipline.

And this is very good news.


Because issues such as a true lack of discipline can take a rather long time to overcome, especially if you want the change to stick.

But if the problem is with the system and NOT you, the trader, then fixing it can happen within a very short period of time.

The thing is, you have to know what’s broken in order to fix it.

That’s where I can help you, because of my years as a Quality Engineer.

Consistent and good performance is sort of problem is one for which I was specifically trained.

An average of about 30 days or 4 short weeks can produce a HUGE transformation in your trading

…if you simply focus on the right matter and have the right help to address it.

If you haven’t already seen it,

click here to check out this video

You’ll have a better understanding of the problem and the solution.

After you watch the video, click the link below it to begin your turnaround.



P.S.  Seriously, problems like “Hesitation”, “Getting Out Too Early”, Staying in Too Long”, Chasing Bad Trades, and most of the other issues that fall into the ‘psychology’ category all have a common factor (and no, it’s not the old “discipline” fallback).

These usually come about due to one primary contributor that nearly EVERYONE overlooks.

Find out what it is and what to do about it here

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