Emotions in Trading are not the Problem. They’re Symptoms

“If I could just control my emotions!”

Have you ever said that to yourself?

If you have, you’re not alone

It’s not uncommon for traders to feel like their emotions are the problem
Because our emotions cause us to chase trades, hesitate, revenge trade, move stops, and all sorts of things we’re not supposed to do

Most traders view their emotions in their trading as something to be controlled or suppressed

But if you pay attention, you’ll see that they are actually helpful

Your emotions are trying to tell you that there are other things going on

They are SYMPTOMS of other issues, not the cause

And there are several

Some mental and emotional, some practical

For example, if your goal with your trading is “make money” and you’ve not gotten any more specific than that, and you’re not 100% solid with your system, then every new system you hear about, every pattern in the chart that looks promising will tempt you

But if you’ have clear on your goals and you are solid with your system, then those things will look like the noise that they are and NOT tempt you, at least not much and not for long

The temptation is the symptom

The underlying causes are vague goals and not being solid with your system

And that’s just one example of many things that can be an underlying problem

You can’t just focus on being more disciplined if you want to get your trading right

You have to attend to the underlying causes

And if you don’t attend to them ALL, then you’re still going to continue to struggle

You need 2 things

1.  You need a holistic approach

There are SEVERAL different factors contributing to your difficulties

If you only attend to one or two, but leave others unaddressed, your struggles will continue

It takes a holistic approach, one which addresses everything

Only then will you be able to move forward

2.  You need assistance

Trading is a mental game

Digging yourself out of a hole by yourself is almost impossible

Like depression

You can’t see what you can’t see

You don’t know what you don’t know

Of course you can beat your head on the rock for months or years and then maybe you’ll figure it out

But that’s very much the hard way

Much quicker, more effective and more enjoyable if you have knowledgeable help

Someone who understands your experience, has been where you are

…and knows how to get you where you want to be

Someone who can guide you, encourage you, show you new perspectives and what to do

Everything CAN change for you

You CAN enjoy the trading experience you desire

But something’s got to change

You have to start doing things different than you have been

It begins with a simple decision

Deciding that you are ready for better, that you’re done settling for less

The next step is to DO SOMETHING

You have a couple choices here

1.  You can click here for more detail about the different causes and how we can attend to them


2.  You can have a simple conversation with someone who cares about your success and knows how to help you make it happen

Click here to book a call with me and let’s change your future


Brian McAboy
The Consistency Coach

P.S.  Don’t let time continue to slip through your fingers 

Irv had let 14 years go by before getting help.  Here’s his story