Trading Psychology: What helped when I was feeling down (yes, happy Valentine’s day)

Are you not feeling the love from the markets?
Has it gotten you pretty down on yourself about it?
If so, then you are definitely not alone.
Trading can bring out the meanest of inner critics and cause a person to feel pretty down on themselves
A while back, when my inner critic had been going to town on me and had me feeling really low
As timing would have it, I ran across a very helpful book

Click here to download the pdf
I found it to be a good read that definitely changed my emotional state and perspectives for the better
While Valentine’s day is about love, that has to include love for yourself
I hope this helps!
Cheers Brian McAboy
The Consistency Coach
P.S.  If you are feeling pretty down about your trading and you’d like someone to talk to that understands what you’re dealing with, book a call with me