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070 – Interview w Zvi Benyamini of

Consistent Profits Podcast
Consistent Profits Podcast
070 - Interview w Zvi Benyamini of

Zvi Benyamini is a seasoned trader with over two decades of experience in the financial markets, starting in 2003. As a trained PSYCH-K® facilitator, he has helped individuals transform limiting beliefs and overcome mental barriers in various life areas, including business, relationships, and health. Today, Zvi specializes in coaching traders, combining his deep trading experience with PSYCH-K® techniques to address the psychological challenges that often hinder trading success. His unique approach empowers traders to achieve greater success and mental clarity in their trading journeys.

Show Notes

  • Zvi emphasized that a trader’s mindset is deeply intertwined with the systems they create. He explained that psychological fears often manifest in the rules traders set for themselves.
  • He stressed the value of an external perspective, such as working with a coach or mentor, to uncover these blind spots.
  • He talked about the process of uncovering fears that are hidden within trading rules. He explained that traders often create rules that are more about managing their emotions than about enhancing their performance.
  • He emphasized the importance of taking action once a problem has been identified. He explained that traders often get stuck in repetitive patterns of mistakes because they don’t fully confront the underlying issues.
  • Zvi encouraged traders to honestly reflect on their behavior, recognize what needs to change, and then take decisive steps to implement those changes, rather than expecting the problem to fix itself over time.
  • Zvi explained his flexible approach to coaching, noting that every trader’s journey is different. Some traders might only need a single session to uncover a critical insight, while others might require multiple sessions to work through more complex issues.

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