Hi and Happy New Year’s Eve!
Yes we’re finally at the end of yet another year! Cool!
So are you now where you thought you’d be at this point? Have you achieved what you wanted?
For traders, it’s not uncommon to get to the end of the year and get hit right in the face with the reality of things being the same as they were at the end of last year
But for some, it IS good now
For example Armando FINALLY saw the turn around he’d wanted for 8 years, but hadn’t been able to make happen on his own
But now,
“I’ve been able to achieve the consistency that my trading lacked for the past 8 years.”
To see and hear Armando tell his story, go here
Trading is NOT something that lends itself to just being figured out
Like Armando, many traders go for YEARS without enjoying trading the way they’d initially intended
This where the insane monetary value of getting help becomes known
When you actually experience it, like he did
And if you act now, you can get in on the same deal he did, but only for TODAY until midnight
Life and the markets reward those that act when the timing is right
Here’s to making 2025 your best year ever!
Brian at Inside Out Trading
Comments from Brian’s Students
“I highly recommend Brian, as his ability to help me focus and gain clarity has been instrumental in my recent trading success”
Robert Vallejo, Individual Trader
“Dear Brian:
Certainly I have noticed some concrete improvements in my trading.
I have learned to cut my losses on a dime. I have learned to follow my signals rather than second guessing my system all the time.
The ‘fear factor’ is GREATLY diminished.
For these improvements I am thankful.”
– Maribeth Edmonson, Individual Trader, Vancouver, Canada
“…a whole different approach to what it means to be a trader, and it makes so much sense.”
“Hi Brian,
It seems like I get emails every week promising “the big secrets” to making money in trading, usually something along the lines of some magic-pill trading system that will have me swimming in cash. I usually just delete them because I’ve found that the “secret” isn’t in the system, it’s in me the trader.
In your training, the lessons and exercises focus on what truly matters – me the trader – the one thing that really does make the difference between winners and losers in trading.
The perspectives you share and the exercises take a whole different approach to what it means to be a trader, and it makes so much sense. I’m blown away that you seem to be the only one that has realized this simple solution to the problems that most everyone is experiencing in trading.
Thank you Brian & keep up the good work!”
– Todd LiPira, Individual Trader, New Egypt, New Jersey
“Hi Brian,
I am enjoying this training and finding it very helpful.
It has given me a direction (A to Z if you like) so that I can see the entire business as one project. Within that project, I can see where I need more work.
Thanks and regards”
– Peter Geyer, Individual Trader
“Hi Brian:
Prior to working with you, I’d been working on a few issues that had been holding back my trading for some time.
With your insight into both trading and business, I’ve been able to clarify the challenges, devise solutions, and see improvement rather quickly.
Thanks Again,
– Jonathan Krohn, Individual Trader