Trading Psychology – Key to Ending Self-Sabotage

Are you sabotaging your trading?

Do you find yourself asking the questions,

“Why can”t I just do what I know I”m supposed to?”


“Why do I keep making the same stupid mistakes again and again?!?”

Did you ever stop to consider that it might NOT be a lack of discipline, but instead, perhaps there”s something different going on?

I mean afterall, I seriously doubt that you are a reckless person with occasional urges to just fly in the face of your better judgment.

What I”ve discovered over the last 5 years of helping traders succeed, is that many of the issues that traders encounter are NOT a matter of “psychology”, where you have some mental issue and need to “fix your head”.

There”s probably nothing wrong with you at all.

The good news is that this is a very practial matter, and one that can be addressed very simply and pretty quickly once.

You see, odds are very strong that the real culprit here is Self-Sabotage.

Consciously you want to succeed as a trader, but your subconscious operates on different priorities than your conscious mind.

You aren”t consciously trying to screw up your trading, it”s your subconscious that is taking action here.

Truth is, there are 4 different forms of self-sabotage that kill trading accounts.

When you understand what these forms are and how they come about, then you address the reasons that your subconscious is actively working against your conscious goals.

Only when you attend to the root causes, the self-sabotage can come to an end.

Only then will you move truly forward with your trading.

Getting past the first and most common one can be a very daunting challenge, particularly if you”ve been trading for more than a year.

If you”ve been trading for more than a year, it means that you”ve survived, which is an achievement all by itself.

It also means that you”ve been exposed to a fair bit of information, and probably at least a handful of strategies.

You”ve had the chance to make some mistakes and learn some.

You feel that you have a pretty decent handle on what trading is about, and that you”ve developed to the point that you should reasonably be experiencing greater success than you are.

But you”re still not there yet, and now it”s getting pretty frustrating because you seem to have hit an obstacle (or two) that you can”t pinpoint, and you”re still “shooting yourself in the foot” from time to time.

Your ego wants to feel good about itself, so it tells you that you”ve “paid your dues” and it”s time to collect, that you know enough that you should be entitled to the prize.

But your subconscious knows differently.

You may have learned a lot and suffered through many hard lessons from the markets,

…but if you”re sabotaging yourself, your subconscious knows that you still have a thing or two to learn before you”ve “earned it”, so it keeps making sure that your level of success matches your true level of skill and proficiency as a trader.

As an independent trader, you have many hats to wear and several skill-sets required to be a fully self-sufficient trader.

Trading is afterall, a skill-based occupation and working for yourself does have its requirements too.

Cool thing is, when you focus on the RIGHT skills in your trading, you make progress incredibly fast.

Best of all, when you grow as a trader, when you acquire and develop the right skills, your subconscious can then accept success when it comes, because it “fits” who you have become.

You”ll find that the self-sabotage simply and very naturally ends, because you”ve removed its cause.

Pretty cool, huh?



P.S.  To find out more about one skill-set that you really must have to trade confidently, consistently and in a business-like manner that puts your subconscious at ease,

Click here

P.P.S.  When you click on the link above, you”ll go to a page where you can find out how to get access to a video I created that explains the 4 forms of self-sabotage.

P.P.P.S. In case you missed it, Wednesday of last week I did a presentation for Trader Kingdom which really speaks to the matter of bringing Quality to your trading, or put another way, “how to get good as a trader” very quickly.

Just click on the link below the screen image on the page below to watch the video.
