Learn Trading – Killer Quote Tells It Like It Is For Traders

Brian here and today I had this great quote from Warren Buffet in front of me, and while I don’t hang on every word the guy speaks like some do, you just gotta love this quote.

“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”

— Warren Buffett: Investor, billionaire, and philanthropist

I mean, you just won’t see the hardest hitting truth for traders put any more directly than that.

Trading is so simple on the surface that it’s easy to get over-confident way too quickly and as a result, probably 99% of all traders start trading when they (in reality) have learned little more than “enough to be dangerous”.

In doing so, they put themselves and their hard-earned trading capital at incredible risk – and usually lose it.

When you take the small amount of time it requires to get good at the core skills and understandings of trading, you find that this is a very uncomplicated endeavor.

By neglecting this essential training however, we make the matter much more difficult than it has to be and put success much further out on the horizon.

If you’re wondering how to tell if this message today applies to you, just take a look at how your trading is going and ask these questions:

  1. Are you making the kind of money that you want?
  2. Do you have difficulty comfortably sticking to your system?
  3. Do you generally feel somewhat anxious and insecure in your trading?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these, then skill and understand is where you need to focus.

When you truly know what you’re doing, you just plain don’t have all the issues that traders talk about so much.

When you truly know what you’re doing, things are so different.

  1. You either are already achieving your objectives or at least clearly see what you need to do to reach them
  2. You have faith in what you’re doing, your trading system and yourself that lets you operate comfortably and confidently
  3. You feel calm, relaxed and secure

Best of all, you’ve already experienced this in other areas of your life, so you already know the truth of it.

See how to make your life easier, less risky and much less stressful



“The Trading Turnaround Specialist”