Happy Monday!
I hope you had a good weekend and that your week goes great for you.
This week has a different focus, and a really important one too
Because it is a controlling factor in your trading results
As you know, trading is not really a physical activity.
It's primarily a mental one
So it's critical to at least periodically step back and pay conscious attention to this aspect
What goes on between your ears matters
Now as you also know, a great deal of the reality you experience is defined by your beliefs
All your sensory input is filtered through your beliefs before it even gets to your conscious mind
Your beliefs have a HUGE impact regarding
- What you see
- How you interpret it
- The meaning you assign
- What you think
- How you feel, react and respond
- How you make decisions
- and most importantly what you DO and how well you do it are also largely controlled by your beliefs
When you have negative, limiting beliefs, that's when things are often difficult
Because there is a conflict between what you subconsciously believe and what you consciously want
That conflict is why your subconscious sabotages you and holds you back
If you experience hesitation, over trading, chasing trades, trouble with sticking to your system, at least part of what's going on this kind of self-sabotage
When you have supportive, constructive beliefs, things are easy, enjoyable and tend to go well
Would you like to eliminate some of your limiting beliefs?
I'd like to help you do just that
I need a bit more information though, about what's going on specifically with you
If you would, share your thoughts with me
Click here to fill out this short questionnaire
You can do it anonymously, so feel free to be candid and open
Thanks for doing this!