- A Simple Truth
There are several reasons that you should be succeeding as a trader, and really only ONE reason you're not
You're above average. Most traders are.
Others who are less intelligent, less diligent, less motivated and less disciplined than you are making it
Successful trading is NOT beyond your capabilities
What's the difference?
You're missing something, plain and simple
- The Helpful Perspective
Nearly every one of the hundreds of people that have come to me for help with their trading over the years has expressed in one way or another
“Hey Brian, I know all I need to know. I just can't seem to do what I know I'm supposed to do. I'm the problem. What I need to fix is ME.”
What I find upon exploration with everyone is that they don't have ‘psychological issues'
Here's what's really going onOne thing I've learned to be very true of life, but especially in trading:
“If you take a person of reasonable intelligence and throw them into a challenging job (like trading) and WITHOUT proper and adequate training for that job, it WILL be stressful, filled with mistakes, probably mediocre results at best, and it will be nearly impossible for it NOT to be an emotional experience.
But if you take that same person, give them complete training on ALL of the skills needed for that job, they won't experience any ‘psychological issues'. They'll just go do their thing.”
What everyone is experiencing is NOT that they have ‘psychological issues' really of any sort
What everyone is experiencing are the effects of trying to do a job for which they are NOT fully and properly prepared.Sure, trading looks simple enough on the surface.
But as everyone finds out, trading is a real profession, certainly NOT as easy as it appears
But what we find is that while they were shown how to place trades, no one ever taught them HOW to BE a trader, no one ever taught them the skills beyond how to place trades according to a particular method.
What I've learned and the reason I focus as I do, is that as an independent, self-directed trader, there are two significant skill sets you need to make it:
- How to successfully plan, organize and start up a profitable business that fits your life and provides the lifestyle you truly desire.
Yes, creating a reliable, long term asset that generates wealth and income takes more than just finding a system and getting busy
- How to select, evaluate, and successfully deploy a given trading system, and then how to be consistent with it over time.
Yes, achieving consistency and making it sustainable require a methodology and related skill set, it takes more than just discipline. Relying on willpower alone is almost always guaranteed to fail sooner or later.
… and when you acquire these two critical skill sets, profitable, relaxed and reliable trading become the natural result – because now you are the fully capable and self-sufficient trader you need to be to make these things happen.
You have what it takes as a person.
As a trader, you've just been missing the proper training, and when you get it, that makes all the difference.
Filling these gaps works amazingly well at putting your trading frustrations behind you for good
“Even though I have been trading for 11 years I was struggling with inconsistent returns, reoccurring mistakes and lack of true direction.
But all that changed quickly after getting your assistance and putting to work some of your tools and recommendations.
I am more confident in my trades and no longer worry about the unknowns because my trading is structured like a business.”
– Patrick Hennessey
Individual Trader“Since we had our One-on-One Coaching, I can honestly say that I have made huge leaps forward. I have seen a dramatic and measured improvement and feel much more confident, relaxed and able to pull the trigger when I need to than before.”
– Adrian Frakes
Individual Trader
- The Killer Deal
I recognized that there were specific gaps in the training people were getting (if they got any training at all, most don't)
Working with hundreds of traders combined with my own experiences plus my years as a Quality Engineer, I've developed two specific training programs, each attending to the needed skill sets for you to succeed as a trader and have the long term asset you desire
– Trading As Your Business, in which you learn the process of how to take what most see as simply a way to ‘make some money' and organize it into a real business, a long term asset on which you can rely and plan for the future
This training makes it super easy to settle down, get focused and on the shortest, most direct path to consistent and sustainable profits.
This process eliminates the overwhelm and information overload, while helping you STOP jumping from one system to the next, so you can take steps forward rather than in a circle
You come out of this training with sense of peace and security about your trading and particularly its future in your life that you've desired all along, but been unable to experience
– Trading System Mastery, in which you learn what trading really is, what a trading system really is, how to take ANY trading system and make it work, and in short, all the things around trading systems that no one else has shown you
This training gives you the unshakable confidence you seek when you're in the middle of your trading
This process eliminates the DOUBT and anxiety from your daily trading and makes sticking to your system easy and your natural response to whatever the markets are doing
You come out of this training with a fearlessness and optimism about trading systems that let you know you're able to trade and make money and be okay for the rest of your life
The Killer Deal: you get the Trading As Your Business course for 40% off and you get the Trading System Mastery course for FREE as a bonus
That's right, buy one at 40% savings and get the second one for FREE
Best of all, you can get started for just $99 right now with BOTH
Click here to get going right now
This deal is only good for this weekend, so don't wait or hesitate – do it now while it's fresh on your mind
Make 2019 your best year ever by bringing a new YOU to your trading
You'll be glad you did!