With Christmas now behind us, what’s on your mind? 2025 perhaps?
And what would you like to have happen in 2025? Make it better & more profitable than 2024?
Join the crowd
So, thinking like a winning trader, the question comes down to:
“Of all the things I can do to make 2025 a great year, which of them
will have the biggest reward and the lowest risk?”
Again, thinking like a winning trader, let’s approach it from a risk-first angle
What are the two greatest risks a trader has?
The markets? No, not really. That’s where the opportunity is. The risk isn’t with the markets themselves
Your strategy? Presuming you have a decent strategy, no. Again this is opportunity.
We can run down a long list of factors that can affect your trading, but over the last almost 19 years of helping traders, I’ve found that there are just two that are the biggest risks by far:
1. Ignorance
Traders on the whole are smarter that average, but in a way, that’s a curse. We look at trading, think, “I get it. I see how it works. I know what I’m supposed to do.” and we jump right in, thinking we can figure it out as we go.
But trading, like many performance activities, requires skills and knowledge.
And not just knowledge about something. Experiential knowledge.
There’s a quote I love that is proven true again and again in the trading world:
“Education is expensive – until you compare it with the cost of ignorance.”
The problem is NOT that traders are stupid of bring psychological issues to trading.
The biggest problem is the lack of proper training – to be a trader.
The psychological challenges most face come from the damage done during the early months and years trying to learn while lacking guidance and taking a beating – and NOT knowing what to do about it.
This is where the risk and cost of ignorance move it to the top of the list of risks
2. Inaction, procrastination
Everyone who struggles with their trading knows that a problem exists.
But SO many will simply keep plugging along with sub-par results WITHOUT holding the priority of getting the help they need
They just keep trading, throwing money at the markets instead of filling the gaps in their knowledge and skill sets.
It’s like they think that if they just keep trading, things will somehow magically start working OR they just settle for the struggle and not making money
Both of which come with a MASSIVE price – the money you should be making and your future account not having today’s profits for compounding
Okay, so enough doom and gloom. What can you do?
Make it your #1 priorityto get the training you need to fill the gaps
Decide that you want to be truly proficient as a trader so that this becomes no more difficult than a regular job (as it should be) and you’re getting paid properly for your time and effort.
And act on it ASAP
Don’t put it off
Don’t let other things be more important than your trading, your peace of mind.
Make it happen
When you fill the gaps, everything gets easier – that’s one of the biggest benefits
Okay, so what’s the biggest gap that causes the biggest problem for most traders?
They’ve never been trained specifically on how to achieve consistent results
This is the #1 game-changer
- You already know how to place trades
- You already have a decent strategy (if not, there are literally dozens of proven strategies that are freely available to you right now)
- You’ve just never been shown how to take a strategy to the markets and get consistent results with it, to trade with confidence and peace of mind
This is where I can help you
So that you understand what BLOCKS consistency and what you need to do to achieve it, watch this brief training video
It’s not a sales pitch – this is training
It covers BOTH practical matters and psychological matters
In 33 minutes, you’ll come away with a clear understanding of why consistent profits have been difficult and the specific steps to take to move past the obstacles
Remember, the biggest risks and costs for traders come from ignorance and inaction.
Take action to fill your gaps and see the difference in your account and feel the difference in yourself and your trading experience
Watch the video as a starting point
I really want to see you make 2025 your year, so let’s rock!
Enjoy & Cheers!
Brian McAboy
“The Consistency First Guy”
“Focus on consistency first, because when you have consistency, profit is easy”