Another great thing about weekends

Several weeks ago, I sent you a note about how weekends are
great for catching up on learning and reading and self-reflection.

Another great thing about weekends and even more important is
that this is the time when you actually get to live YOUR life, not
the work life.

Make sure that you take time to enjoy your family and your
friends. Have some fun, read a fiction book or watch that movie
that you've been wanting to see.

Life is way too short to go without living it along the way. We
only get one shot at this, so we need to make the best of every
opportunity to enjoy it.

There are tremendous benefits to taking complete 24-hour
periods where you totally disengage from your work or business
life. No email, no phone, no anything. Completely let your mind
be away from your work-related responsibilities for a full day.

Weekends are often the only opportunity we have to live life for
more than just a few hours. We can have one or two full days of
life on the weekends.

Instead of living for the future, live for right now and make some
memories, especially with people that you care about.

….a few thoughts on a Friday.

I hope you have a great weekend!

