Are you cheating yourself by NOT using this lesson from the other industry you’re in?

Brian here with more helpful tips for you today.

Yesterday we looked at a group that you're in, probably without realizing it, and suffering from the same problems they have.

I also shared with you how understanding the fact that you are in that group is the first step to moving past the common problems.

Today, you'll see how you are part of another group, and again, you probably didn't realize it.

And when you do, the perspective shifts your mindset and your trading in a very constructive and positive manner.

So what is this other group to which you belong?

Well, think back to before you started trading.

That's when you made the decision to join this other group.

You wanted a better lifestyle for you and your family

You wanted some freedom and control over your life.

You wanted more than the typical “Buy and Hold”, put your money into mutual funds and hope that you'll make 7% at the end of the year

You had literally hundreds of things you could have done with your investment capital.

When it came time to act, you decided to become a Business Investor.

You chose to put your money into your own trading business.

Now yes, you would be working for yourself, that's true, but it is a business nonetheless.

That is of course, if you treat it like a business.

Unfortunately for most, trading looks like a good way to make some money, not like a real business.

And so it gets treated as ‘something to do to make money' but never organized into a reliable and consistently producing operation.

When you begin to see your trading as a long-term business venture and you take the steps to organize it and structure it accordingly, your results quickly improve.

Largely because in treating your trading as a business, one of the first things you do is create a Business Plan.

A sound Business Plan is the most critical requirement of smart business investing – making sure that the business you are considering is likely to succeed.

When you have a proper Plan, your stress and anxiety go way down and are replaced with peace of mind.

When you have a proper Plan, you become able to detach from individual trades with relative ease.

When you have a proper Plan, you begin to gain greater control over yourself, your results and your life.

Tomorrow, we'll look at the numerous roles you have as a trader and how each contributes to you having a successful and truly business-like operation.

Stay tuned!

