Are you using your power to get results?

If you hired a mechanic to fix your car, you’d stay after
him until it was fixed, wouldn’t you?

If he said that he didn’t have time, would you say “Okay,
well get to it when you feel like it.”? No.

If he said that he didn’t have the right tool, then you’d
expect him to get what he needs, wouldn’t you?

If he said that he didn’t know how to address this
particular problem with your car, then you’d expect him to
get out the repair manual that shows him what to do, with
all the diagrams and step-by-step instructions.

No matter what his excuse, you don’t care, you want your
car fixed.

Well if your trading is falling short of what you want,
then are you accepting excuses, or are you going to do what
it takes to get it where you want it?

Remember the formula for results:

Decide – Learn – Act

– Decide on the outcome you want

– Acquire the information necessary to make that outcome a

– Take action to produce the outcome

Now you already have the abilities necessary for this
formula, but if you are not getting the results that you
want, then you need to see which of these three abilities
you are not employing.

Have you chosen the outcome you desire? If not, then now
is the time.

Are you acquiring the knowledge to understand what needs to
happen and how to make it happen? Einstein said that we
cannot solve problems from the same level of understanding
from which the problems were created.

Are you simply failing to take action? One definintion of
insanity is to do the same things over and over but expect
different results. In order to produce a different
outcome, different actions must be taken.

Often times, a person will hesitate or procrastinate for
a variety of reasons. They’re not really reasons, though.
They are excuses and rationalizations, because if there is
something that you truly desire, then there aren’t really
any justifiable “reasons” for not fully pursuing it are

If the problem is that your emotions are causing you to
make mistakes in your trading, then you should focus on
increasing your emotional intelligence until it is no
longer a problem.

If you are just not sure of what you need to do in general,
then the “Good Trading Checklist” that is included in the
Trader’s Guide to Emotional Management shows what the good
practices are in trading and explains how each of them
directly benefits you with regards to producing the results
that you want, plus how each protects you from emotions
getting in your way.

Stop making excuses and start making things happen. You
wouldn’t accept them from anyone else, so don’t do it to

I hope your holiday weekend was enjoyable and this week
proves to be one of things moving your toward your goals.



P.S. Remember: Decision + Knowledge + Action = Results