Best Forex Trading Books – An Absolute Scream

What an absolute scream!

As I was reading through the list, I was laughing so hard my eyes started tearing up and I even started snorting.

I haven't had such fun while having my eyes opened in my life.

My only regret is that I wish I'd actually started reading this book when I bought it many months ago.

Better late than never though because I am SO glad that I finally got around to it.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because I know that you'll find this an total trip too, just like I did.

Because we're both traders, we share many things in common (plus I ASK directly and through surveys from time-to-time), particularly WHY's.

Okay, enough with the lead up.

What's the book?

Click here to go get yours for a whole $13

No, I'm not making any money by referring you to this.  I'm doing it because it is just too good to keep to myself.

If you only read the first couple chapters, you'll see why EVERYONE who trades (including you) should read this, if nothing else for the perspectives.

The list I was referring to earlier is on page 22, “Apples and Oranges”.

Besides, it is just plain a FUN read! 🙂


Brian McAboy
The “Trading Turnaround Coach”

P.S.  Oh yeah, before I forget: next week I'll be hosting another “Hot Seat” session where we critique individual trading systems LIVE online – maybe even yours if you're lucky enough to wind up in the “Hot seat”!

I'll send you more on the date and time in the next message. 🙂