This is a short post because I'm looking for your feedback.
I'm thinking about writing an epic blog post about how to stick to your rules and stop making the same mistakes over and over again – what to you really want to know about this aspect of trading psychology?
Share your thoughts in the comments below and let me know!
Recently I realised that understanding the reason for the rule is crucial to its successful implementation… which may sound ‘duh’ but just because one thinks one ‘gets it’ intellectually does not mean that one has accepted it emotionally or grasped its total implications. Had a breakthrough last week about: Hold for target or stoploss. I’d continually panic when price ‘dithered’ for too long and grab just a little, only to see it reach my target later. Meditated deeply on how to allow that fear of loss to transform, and had a realisation: If price doesn’t reach my target then that’s a losing trade – accept it and take the next one! Trading is a numbers game (thanks Mark Douglas).
Hi Alison,
Thanks for sharing that – very good notion indeed.
What would you like to know, what things still elude you about the psychology of sticking to your system?