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Could You Be Leaving A Fortune On The Table Without Realizing It?

Could you be leaving a fortune on the table without realizing it?

It is entirely possible. Here's how…

One of the great aspects of trading as your business is scalability. This is one of the few businesses where you can easily scale up from a $10,000 account to $100,000 and from there to a $1,000,000 account.

There's not a ton of capital that has to be invested to allow for the scaling. Sitting at home right from your desk, you can trade a million dollar account just a easily as a small account. And scaling can happen very quickly. It's not like you need 20 years.

The Magic of Scalability

Let's do the math. If you average just 10% ROI per month, which is NOT unheard of in trading by any means, you'll easily double your account each year.

If you're starting out with just a $10,000 account, here's how you could realistically be sitting on a million dollar account much quicker than you think:

But you have to get started NOW.

Every month that goes by without your trading performing at the level that it should is pushing that fortune away.

So how do you get it working if you haven't been able to so far? Well, first thing is that you have to use a different approach -more of the same will only get you more of the same.

One approach that has been proven to work, both in trading and in numerous other industries, is to think about trading in the same way you would if you were starting up a business…a real business.

When Trading is Your Business

When you ‘treat your trading as a business', the first thing that happens is, you take on a different mindset. This by itself is tremendously beneficial, but the mindset alone is not enough, there are two other components you need.

  • A Real Business Plan

Not just the goal of “Make lots of money”.

  • Business Acumen

You have to know what to DO and how to do it correctly when it comes to starting and running a successful business. You can't will yourself to success, or wish or trick or cheat your way there. Successful business, successful trading happens by intent and design.

How do I know this? I've been helping small business owners get their businesses running right for over 20 years. I've been helping traders overcome obstacles and get on to profitable trading for over 10 years. When you do it right and with intent, the odds will be very much in your favor.

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In trading, as in general business, there are certain things you can do to set yourself up for success. One key that successful traders employ is to NOT try to be a hero and do everything yourself. Often a good mentor or support group can save you tons of time and money. One such group is the Freedom Through Trading Mentoring and Trader Development program. Check it out here