Brian here with Success Tip #4 to help you make 2012 a great year.
Success Tip #4 – Decide to live consciously.
Living consciously means to be very aware on all levels and at all times.
To continually be very much here and now,
… not caught up in the trappings of the ego and the intellect,
… not lost in the fears of the future or regrets of the past,
… but fully experiencing what is happening right now, both inside you and around you.
So much of the time we get lost in our thoughts or distractions that we are effectively UN-conscious and not fully awake.
Subsequently much time passes and we weren't really even there.
It's so easy in today's world, with current technology to get completely caught up.
You've got tons of entertainments, distractions, and other things constantly screaming for your attention and drawing you in.
Time to get back to living consciously and simply waking up to the world wide world (I love that term by the way).
Life is too short to go through it half-asleep, missing most of it.
Live consciously and LIVE!
P.S. There is still a small window of opportunity for you to truly become the trader you want to be, as there are at the time of this writing, still 11 spots open for the package deal on two truly transformational training programs.