Really smart traders do things differently…
One thing that kills me about many traders is how they swear that they're serious about making their trading a success, yet they'll waste years of their time, of their lives, stubbornly insisting that they can do it all themselves.
They waste tons of time and money re-inventing the wheel, for no better reason than pride.
Smart traders leverage the experience and knowledge of others that have come before them and already overcome the problems being faced.
They know that it is by far the fastest, most enjoyable and most certain way to achieve their goals.
And it almost always the financially most advantageous path as well.
In the end, it requires the least in expenditures and reaps the greatest rewards most quickly.
Of course, there are WAY too many scammers and pure marketers in the trading world, so you have to watch out for yourself.
That's true of any industry where there is a lot of money flowing around.
But you can't let your fear of making a mistake keep you from taking the actions that WILL move you forward.
That's the recipe for a long and painful financial death.
So what can you do?
First thing is to make sure that the outfit you're dealing with has a name and a face to go with it.
There are tons of really good-looking sites with pretty impressive offerings, but there's no way to find out WHO is behind the facade.
Second, you have to make sure that you can get hold of them if you need to.
Do they have only contact forms on their site? Or do they have a mailing address (regular street address, not a P.O.Box) and a phone number that's answered by a human being when you call?
Third, do they have a reputable card processor, like or PayPal? where if you have a dispute, you have someone else to go to about it?
Have they been around for a while, or are they brand new? You want to deal with someone that's been around long enough to establish themselves.
If the merchant you're considering meets the above criteria, it's still no guarantee, but you at least have a very good start and recourse if for some reason you're not happy.
Most likely, if they do meet the above criteria, you'll be okay, because they're being up front and not hiding, and you can reach them if you need to.
When you have something as important as your trading, where its success or struggle affects the other areas of your life pretty substantially,
and especially when it affects those you care about,
it only makes sense to do it as right as you can and to get help.
Now when it comes to trading, there is a very strong reason why you're heard the wisdom to “treat your trading as a business”
In one sentence, it sums “how to do it right.”
Most traders ‘get' that, but they don't know HOW to DO it.
That's where I can help you.
For years, I've been helping traders and small business owners get their operations organized and running right in very short order.
Sure, it includes creating a proper plan for your business, so that you know how your success will be made a reality.
But there's more to it than just the plan.
There is a specific process to it
And if you follow this process, you come out with a real and working business plan, but you also come out an entirely new trader.
Success is no longer at some vague, distant point on the horizon.
It is within reach and you finally get to enjoy some well-founded security in your trading.
Which is good for you and for those you care about.
Because how your trading is going affects you AND those that care about you.
Make today the day you put your trading on the fastest, most certain path to success
P.S. You didn't get where you are today by doing nothing.
You're an action-taker