Unless you've been trading in a cave you've likely been hearing a MASSIVE amount of buzz about “The Correlation Code”.
In fact so much so, one of the servers hosting the two acclaimed reports Jason so generously gave away, nearly “melted down”, with an unreal 36,453 downloads in just a few days, and the numbers keep flying up by the hour.
But it's only about to get better…
Next week, on Wednesday October the 28th, Jason and his partner Anthony Trister are going all out, and totally pulling back the curtains on Correlation Trading, showing you how to trade with “Fundamental Law” on YOUR side, every time you take a trade.
You'll witness live, and see in depth, the very same system Jason uses himself to trade every single day…
And let me tell you, Jason is a VERY successful trader.
You can register now for either the 1:00 PM EST webinar or the 9 PM EST webinar (this is New York Time).
Click here to choose your Webinar time
You'll see The Correlations Code's RAW power in action, and discover even more of its “highly unique” trading benefits (many successful trades are taken when most other traders have NO idea setups even exist!)
You'll also find out how long it takes most traders to get rolling with it, find out when it will be available, and for how long (it is a very limited release, and FAR fewer copies will be available than traders who have expressed interest).
This is your chance to see the REAL story that is behind the power of Correlation Trading, exactly what The Correlation Code is, and WHY Jason's system has been dubbed “THE most revolutionary trading methodology to be released to non-institutional traders.”
If you have questions and want to interact with the guys behind The Correlation Code, you don't want to miss this…
Register for the Live Webinar to Ask Your Questions
Jason and his team can barely keep up with all of the “frantically excited” traders, so they are going to tackle all the questions you have live, in their webinars next week.
Register now, and prepare yourself for a very exciting event next week!
PS: I almost forgot! How would you like to get a copy on the house? In order to qualify, simply sign up for the webinar and register on the blog for your chance to receive a scholarship copy!