Day Trading Forex Currency – The High Cost of Breakeven Trading

If you”ve been trading for more than six months and you”re still struggling to get your head around it, still struggling to get make consistent profits, then you are paying a much higher price for “breakeven trading” than you probably realize…

To gain further perspective and what you can do about it, consider the following:

  • You have the cost in terms of your life passing by, missing out on sleep, family time, and just plain R&R…
  • There”s the cost in terms of your confidence, your ambition, your belief that you can make it, and the dreams that slowly die away…
  • Then there”s also a HUGE monetary cost, even if you”re at “Breakeven” trading.

Think back to when you first started Optical character recognition (OCR) technology handles the physical transactions like dealing cards or outcome of roulette strategy wheel spin made by the live dealer. trading for a minute and you”ll quickly see what I mean.

Let”s say that instead of jumping into trading and winding up where you are now,  you had slowed down a little, gotten some help and put together a working business plan that had you consistently profitable within the first 6 months (or less).

How much money would you have made between then and now?

How much would you be making each month, having built your account up?

THAT”s the opportunity cost that I”m talking about.

BUT it doesn”t have to continue.

You CAN turn things around and make it right – but you have to do something.

It won”t happen by accident or by you just doing the same as you have been.

And if you don”t want to wait, then you should be looking to fast track your turnaround (but in a realistic manner, not by just buying another trading system!)

Click here to turn your trading around now

Have a great weekend!


“The Trading Turnaround Coach”

P.S. Time literally is money when you”re talking about opportunity cost.  Don”t procrastinate any longer about taking the action you know you should.

Click here to turn your trading around now