Have you increased your trading account this year? Do you want to?
I ask because the majority of traders have not. And why not? With the economy the way it is many people are just plain scared, and trading scared will get you nowhere.
For most retail traders this year will be a bust just like that last one because they are stuck doing the same thing they have always done (which has never worked).
Fear is only one of the major pitfalls that cause 99% of retail traders to fail miserably in the Forex.
Register for the webinar here,
Which is why I would like to invite you to an exclusive ForexTradersDaily Training Webinar.
The Top Trading Pitfalls…..
And How to Avoid Them
During the webinar, Derek will reveal:
· The HUGE mistake every trader makes at some point without exception
· The one trading strategy that will instantly boost your trading success
· How to take advantage of a confused economy to leverage your trading
· Derek's Proven secrets to making the big bucks all the while limiting risk
· Simple tips to take your trading to the next level
· And more!
Register for the webinar here,
The Webinar will start August 19th (tomorrow) at 2pm eastern and will last approximately 1 hour
ForexTradersDaily chief analyst Derek Frey will be presenting during the webinar.
Derek is directly responsible for over 1000 pips for both June and July. (That is 1000 pips each month not cumulative!) And… Derek has managed to keep his risk below 5% on all his trade and still accomplish this.
This Thursday he will be sharing his strategy with you!
If you want to make money in 2009 than you don't want to miss this webinar.
The Webinar will start August 19th (tomorrow) at 2pm eastern and will last approximately 1 hour
Register now!
You'll be glad you did.
P.S. In case you're not familiar with Derek Frey, I've known Derek for years now and he is without a doubt one of the sharpest traders I know. His webinars are enlightening and I always get emails afterwards from traders telling me how much they enjoyed his presentation. I'm sure you'll get useful info out of this one too, so make sure you don't miss it!
Register for the webinar here,