Daytrading Forex Currency – Reflections for the Weekend

I had a really enjoyable conversation this week with one of my Trading System Mastery Accelerated Coaching clients, and I thought you might appreciate it too, so I'm sending it along for you to ponder on over the weekend.

Here's the gist of our talk…

It's not what you acquire but who you become that makes the real difference in your level of success,

…especially over the long haul.

This is one area where so many good and sincere people go down the wrong path.

then they wonder why they haven't arrived after toiling for years.

What makes for a successful trader versus one who just struggles year in and year out, is just that:  the trader.

It happens in trading and in all kinds of endeavors.

So long as the person remains the same, their problems will remain as well.

It is only when you change yourself that the circumstances and your results changes.

So many people get into trading thinking that it is so simple and straightforward that they think all they need is a system to follow and they're golden.

NOT the case.

An amateur with a good system is still an amateur.

The growth and the development, the maturing is what makes for a professional that knows and enjoys success.

It is when you focus on yourself and making yourself into the successful trader, changing yourself into someone new, that is when you'll change your experience.

Few also reflect on the matter and then ask the right questions.

Questions like,

“What am I really doing here and what SKILLS do I need to GET GOOD at what I'm doing?”

“How might I look at things differently, so that I can perhaps approach them in a more constructive and beneficial way?”

“What do I really want out of this?  Where I am really going with it?”  [instead of only thinking about making money and nothing else]

One of the lessons we realize as we grow from children into adults is that when we change ourselves, we change our world.

It took a long time to sink in, but that really is what the quote is about,

“When I was a child,
I saw as a child
I thought as a child
and I spake as a child.

But when I came to be a man,
it was time to put away childish things.”

So it is true in trading, as we all eventually learn.

Enjoy your weekend!



P.S.  The other day I opened up the live coaching that I do (the Trading System Mastery Accelerated Coaching) and it sold out in a few hours.

For a different perspective on trading and what it means to be a skilled trader,

Click here

P.P.S.  Visit the most recognized Forex trading broker on the planet:  FXCM at