You are currently viewing Do you just automatically believe this, like most traders unfortunately do?

Do you just automatically believe this, like most traders unfortunately do?

Do you just automatically believe this to be true, like most traders unfortunately do?

If so, then don't feel bad.

It's just one of those things that nobody thinks to question.

Could be human nature I suppose.

But here's the error and how it affects you.

Many traders presume that if they are having trouble “sticking to their system” that it must be a problem with them.

Hence the whole “I need to be more disciplined” fallacy.

Yes, fallacy.


So how can I be so bold as to challenge such a commonly held notion?

Well first let me ask you a question:

Is it possible that there could be another factor that comes into play here, besides discipline?

golden_keyWell from the perspective of an ASQ Certified Quality Engineer, I can tell you that there is.

The field of Quality is devoted to the achievement of desired results on a very intentional, knowing and consistent basis.

The tools, concepts, and practices are all geared toward eliminating inconsistencies and are applicable in hundreds of industries – including trading.

So if you're tired of trying this and trying that, only to still fight your ‘discipline' issues, then chin up, because I've got good news.

From my own experience working with hundreds of traders (and hundreds of people in other occupations too) a simple solution is readily available to you.

Now you may have heard the trading wisdom,

“Document your trading system.”

The reason that this is GOLDEN is because this is the very foundation of consistency.

In Quality, when we find inconsistent performance with a particular position at a company, this is the FIRST place we look.


Because 99% of the time, the documentation is the problem, NOT the people performing the task.

I'd also wager that you've never been trained on the process to properly systemize your trading.

Most traders mistakenly think that all systems are created equal, from a functional, qualitative perspective.

They mistaken think that a sound strategy somehow just “becomes” a good “system”.

And most traders never think to question their system, to know if it is constructed properly, and such that they'll be able to trade it consistently.

And even if they did, they never got trained on how to spot the problems, or how to fix them.

There are actually quite a few things that you really need to be a fully self-sufficient and truly independent trader.

And without ALL of the necessary skills, trading is both frustrating and difficult.

But when you get everything you need to be properly prepared for this occupation, for this business, it's amazing how much easier it all gets.

If you find that you're struggling, understand that it is NOT the fault of the markets.

Thousands of traders make money every day, and you can too.

If what you're doing is working, try a different approach.



P.S.  We all start off as un-trained traders, but you don't have to remain that way.

If you haven't seen it already, my latest presentation “Take Control of Your Trading Future” has been getting really good feedback and is truly a must-see if you're at all serious about your trading and don't want to take forever to ‘get there'.

Click here to register right now.

It's free!