Do You Lose Sleep Over Your Trading?

I know I used to.

When I was in my first year of trading, I lost tons of sleep.

I was so strung out over my trades, some nights I didn't get
to sleep for hours after going to bed.  I'd lay there stressing out
over whether or not I was going to lose money on the positions
I was in.

Sometimes, I'd be fretting over the money I just lost and feeling
all kinds of pressure to make it back because I'd set a goal for
myself and every loss only made it further away, more to make

The stress and the sleepless nights continued for months, and
it got to where it was interfering with my entire life.

At work, I had a hard time concentrating on my work and getting
it done on time because I was so preoccupied with how my
trading was going.

At home, I couldn't relax and enjoy time with my wife or kids.

But then I took a short break and decided to concentrate on the
one thing that I knew was at the root of all my woes.  There was
one thing that was my problem in my trading.

When I resumed trading, I had an entirely different mental
approach and it made all the difference in the world.

I could trade when I saw an opportunity, and I could easily stay
stay on the sidelines when that was the thing to do.

I was able to concentrate when I was at work.

I was able to relax when it was time to relax, and best of all…

I could get to sleep when I went to bed and actually sleep well.

The difference was nothing short of miraculous.

How about you?

Do you sometimes go to bed only to toss and turn, worrying
about your trading?

Does the way your trading is going interfere with the rest of
your life?

Would you like to change that?

If you'd like to experience a transformation like I did, I can
show you how to make it happen.

If you've got 1 hour a week, I can make it happen for you.

Click here to begin…

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